Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Lacquer-Based Stains

    • 1). Scrape up excess lacquer from the surface, using a blunt plastic scraper. A plastic knife or spoon will also suffice. Scrape the lacquer around the edges of the stain, working toward the center, to avoid spreading the stain.

    • 2). Apply a small amount of isopropyl rubbing alcohol to an absorbent cloth. Do not pour the rubbing alcohol on the cloth; a small amount around the width of two fingers will be enough. Hold the cloth over the open bottle top and tip it upside down.

    • 3). Blot the lacquer stain with the rubbing alcohol on the absorbent cloth. Repeat the motion until the stain is removed.

    • 4). Wash down the cleaned area with clean water. Do not over-soak. You only need enough water to clean away the rubbing alcohol residue.

    • 5). Wipe the surface with a dry, absorbent cloth.

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