Health & Medical Diabetes

Make Diabetes History

At a tender age, you hardly knew anything about diabetes.
In fact, you probably never imagined you could even become a victim of it.
As the years roll in, your lifestyle takes a downhill trend, and this once imaginable disease becomes real.
The truth is you can still live without suffering from this enfeebling malady.
Even if it is hereditary, you can still avoid it if you know what to take.
We are not talking about medicine here, but rather the preventive herbs from Mother Nature.
Whatever you need to keep healthy now, and through old age can be found in Nature.
Besides, you always have an alternative if your endocrinologist frowns on dietary supplements.
It is what anyone, whether diabetic or not cat turn to for a healthy body.
Fat vegan diet has been highly recommended b the American Diabetes Association for improving glycemic control, decrease cardiovascular risk factors in diabetes and cutting excess weight.
To overcome problems associated with overweight: Make effort to get into a diet low in carbohydrates, fat, and calories Vary the things you do and the types of exercise you get into Regulate your behavior and see it as a way to live a better life To avert the disease: You have to minimize calorie intake of dietary fat Eat more foods high in fiber To deal with the disease: Consider adding carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and low fat milk in your daily diet Take in a variety of foods rich in fiber.
This will improve your sensitivity to insulin and ability to produce it as well Many have found solutions of high sugar levels in plants such as aloe vera, holy basil, fig tree leaves, garlic, onions, and milk thistle.
Regardless of the relative ow cost, many physicians hesitate to go fast on any herb or dietary supplement boasted of today in curing diabetes.
There is no specific plant that the medical fraternity is concerned about.
Presently, all the herbs on the shelves out there fall short of scientific data on their efficacy and safety.
Studies on the safety of these supplements have not been comprehensive.
It cannot be concluded therefore that all-natural products meet the standards for human consumption.
It is essential and urgent that you consult your doctor prior to starting any supplement regimen.
Your doctor may endorse your intake only if he can recommend a safe dosage, and steer clear of drug interactions that can do more harmful.
For example, garlic and Warfarin are both blood thinners.
Mixing the two may cause bleeding.
If bitter gourd is consumed with laxatives and diuretics, it may cause potassium exhaustion.
The other combination you have to avoid is that of Asian ginseng and antidepressants.
This can stimulate feelings of euphoria, and worse yet, may exacerbate hypertension or hypotension.
Check if you have diabetes.
If affirmative, seek help of a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the endocrine system.
Its only then that you will stop the escalation of your condition thereby averting any possible life-threatening complications.
Always talk to a specialist first if you are considering embarking on herbal medications.
You will have optimum results with the knowledge you obtain from those consultations with your doctor.

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