Home & Garden Architecture

How to Stop Laminate Floor From Moving When Installing

    • 1). Install the first three rows of laminate according to the manufacturer's directions, taking care to maintain the expansion gap on the beginning wall as well as the side edges.

    • 2). Insert laminate flooring spacers 3 feet apart along the expansion joints on the beginning wall and one spacer in the expansion joint at the end of each plank on the side walls, placing the 1/4-inch edge of the spacer pointing down unless the manufacturer recommends otherwise.

    • 3). Place unopened cartons of flooring on the three-row area that has been installed, leaving a 3-foot space in which to kneel while installing the next rows. The weight of the cartons will stop the installed portion of the floor from shifting forward away from the beginning wall.

    • 4). Shift the cartons of laminate flooring as necessary to continue installing the laminate. Because the rows of laminate floor interlock, the weight on the beginning rows will hold the floor in place throughout the installation process.

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