Health & Medical Parenting

University of Nebraska: A Parent Guide

While it's true that New Yorkers and Californians tend to think of Nebraska and its neighbors as one of the "fly over" states, this part of the country is home to some excellent universities, outdoor rec possibilities and not just sweet small towns but bustling cities too. Here's what you need to know about the University of Nebraska at Lincoln:
  • The College: Founded in 1869, this research university is ranked among the top 50 public universities by U.S. News and World Report. Its 19,383 undergraduates can choose from a wide array of 150 majors - everything from African studies to textile design, as well as all the usual suspects - science disiplines, liberal arts, et al. UN has a well-regarded law school and numerous masters and Ph.D programs, as well. The "Huskers" of UN attend classes on the semester system, so classes start in late August. Unlike many other semester-system schools, UN does not have an extended winter break. Second semester runs from early January to the end of April.

    • The Tab: This is a public university, so tuition varies according to residency. In-state families paid $7,648 for tuition and fees, and another $8,648 for room and board in 2011, for a grand total of $16,296. Tuition for out-of-staters was more than $12,000 higher, bringing the total tab to $28,580. All 18-year-old freshmen are required to live in campus housing, although waivers are available for kids with family members who live within 30 miles of campus. There's a lively Greek scene here, with 24 fraternities and 14 sororities - 19 of those frats and 13 of those sororities are residential, i.e., members live in their Greek houses.
    • The College Town: Lincoln, Nebraska is a bustling city with 250,000 residents, with a lively arts scene, cafes, museums, shops and plenty of hotels. Be sure to visit UN's Sheldon Museum of Art too. Lincoln is also one of the most park and trail-rich cities around, with more park acreage per person than any other American city. Who knew? Even better, from a visiting family perspective, is that hotel owners here are major Huskers fans too - and many offer discounts to college visitors. (Touring college campuses gets pricey, so be sure to check out this article on keeping campus tour costs down before you embark on the big tour.) Delta and United both fly commuter planes into Lincoln's small airport, but if you're coming any great distance, you're probably going to fly into Omaha International Airport, which is a just over an hour away. Bundle up if it's winter, because the temperatures hover in the teens - and yes, it snows.

      • More Important Details: Football is huge here and the Cornhuskers (which means exactly what you think - it's a nod to the state's proud agricultural history and the people who husk corn) have been winning championships (808 of them) since the 1890s, when the team was known as the Old Gold Knights. How big a deal is the Huskers team? The university has formal policies on autograph requests. Memorial Stadium isn't just used for gridiron action, though. New student convocation includes the traditional "Tunnel Walk" at the stadium.

        The Huskers field 20 other varsity teams in addition to its NCAA Division I football program, and numerous club sports, rec program sports and intramurals, including wiffleball and dodgeball teams. And yes, there is a Quidditch team.

        In addition to engineering and liberal arts programs, UN has a robust agricultural and natural resources school, and in addition to the expected marching band action, a very well-regarded school of music and dance, the Hixson-Lied School of Fine and Performing Arts. Admission to the school of music is by audition and the audition requirements reflect repertoire similar to what you'd find at a conservatory. Performing ensembles include orchestra, jazz band, a variety of choirs. There is an opera program as well. Non-majors can audition for ensemble placement. Admission to the dance major - which emphasizes modern dance, "augmented," the university says, by ballet - is by audition as well, but non-majors may take classes. The school of arts also offers theater, film and art majors. (And if any of this interests your child, you may find this guide to college and conservatory admissions for music and arts majors helpful.)
      • Incoming Frosh Stats: The University of Nebraska accepts 62% of its applicants and the typical freshman arrives with a 3.56 GPA unweighted (3.7 weighted), SAT of 1782 and/or an ACT of 27. Many of the students who apply here also apply to Iowa State at Ames, and UN's sister campuses in Kearney and Lawrence.
      • The Law School: Like its undergraduate campus, the UN Law School has an overwhelmingly large proportion - 68% - of Nebraskans. The average incoming first year got a 157 on the LSAT and has a median GPA of 3.51.
      • Find Out More: The campus web site has more information on everything from majors to how to score Huskers football tickets, as well as, of course, undergraduate admissions and law school information. The university offers all sorts of campus visit options ranging from regular weekday tours to day-long Big Red Open Houses (for high school students and transfers) and Red Letter Days for high school seniors, divided by major. Wear red. As for the campus itself, plug 1410 Q St., Lincoln, NE into your GPS.

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