How to Make a Powerpoint Presentation Meet the APA Format
Sunday, April/28/2019
- 1). Format a title slide with the title of your presentation, your name, and your institution. Center the text in the middle of the slide.
- 2). Create a second slide with an abstract. The title of the slide should be "abstract." Include a very short summary of your presentation, bearing in mind that the optimal amount of lines per slide should be about five lines in order for all audience members to be able to read your presentation without it looking cluttered.
- 3). Type the author's name and the date after you use someone else's work in the text. For example, (Smith, 2001) after a sentence or paragraph indicates that you have used material from Smith's 2001 work.
- 4). Create a final slide with all of your references. The references should be in alphabetical order and follow the APA format for whichever medium you cited from. For example, books are cited:
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.
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