Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Allergy Symptoms are Springing Up

March 20th, the  Spring Equinox and the official first day of spring, finds a balmy 45 degrees in Chester County Pennsylvania. One could also say March 20th is opening day of the spring allergy season — early trees are pollinating and folks are getting symptomatic. I thought now might be a good time to go over some spring allergy tips.

The Do's

-keep window closed to keep pollens from drifting inside; if need be consider using your A/C or an ionizing air purifier

-minimize early morning activity — pollen levels are usually higher in the early morning, just after dawn to midmorning is typically the peak pollen counts of the day - 5am to 10am.  Remember pollen counts are higher on warm, dry days and lower on cool, damp days.  Perhaps you can notice an improvement of allergy symptoms if you postpone your morning run until after work and after dinner.

-keep car windows close when traveling, use your air conditioner and leave your car vents closed up tight as well.

-stay inside when the pollen count or humidity is high and on windy days when dust and pollen are getting blown around

-take your medication as perscribed by your Allergist/Immunologist.  If you are taking an OTC remedy and fiinding that it leaves you feeling drowsy, giving you a dry mouth, or other uncomforatble symptoms, see an allergist.  There are a number of non-drowsy alternatives your allergist can provide you.

-if your symptoms are not being controlled called your Allergist/Immunologist and discuss the role of allergy vaccine therapy

The Don'ts

-Don't take more medication than is prescribed.  If your medication is not satisfactorily treating your symptoms - tell your allergist. Overmedication or self medication is NEVER a good idea.  Your allergist has a variety of treatment plans when properly implemented can relieve your allergy symptoms satisfactorily.

-Don't mow lawns or be around freshly cut grass.  Grass and weed pollens are major seasonal allergy triggers.  When the lawnmower hits the lawn - stay indoors with windows shut tightly.

-Don't rake the leaves. Fallen leaves are subject to twin allergy triggers - Pollen and Mold.  Stay clear of those leaf piles!

-Don't hang your clothes outside to dry.  Damp clothing is a allergen magnet.  Tree, grass, and weed pollens carried in the wind will become affixed on your laundry making line dried clothes a carrier of seasonall allergy triggers.

We all welcome springtime, especially  those first warm dqays after a cold, long winter.  But, if you still have bad memories of last years' allergy season, see an allergist.  With the availablity of easy to follow treatment plan and some keen avoidance strategies, you can enjoy springtime.

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