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How to Grow Grass Seed in Colorado

    • 1). Choose the type of grass you wish to plant. Pay attention to the amount of water and care that are required for each type. Some grasses also grow faster than others, so be aware of all of the characteristics of the grass you are choosing.

    • 2). Prepare your seedbed in firm soil. Grass seedbeds should not have loose soil, because the seeds get lost and the dirt easily blows away, taking the seeds with it. Use a non-selective herbicide to kill the weeds and other grasses in the seedbed. Allow the herbicide to dry for one day and then water the seedbed for 10 days prior to seeding.

    • 3). Thatch the lawn using a power rake or thatcher before planting the seeds to improve aeration. Be sure you push the machine over each area of the lawn seedbed at least once. Mow the seedbed to 1/2 inch and rake up all debris. Dig up remaining dead weeds and grass with a trowel or shovel.

    • 4). Spread the seed onto the prepared seedbed. Use a spreader to spread your seed, and go in two different directions to ensure that the entire seedbed receives the seed.

    • 5). Rake the seedbed after the seeds have been spread to increase contact with the soil. Do not add topsoil or sand to the seedbed.

    • 6). Keep the soil consistently moist , but do not saturate the grass seedbed. Add a starter fertilizer, and thatch or power rake the soil again to add aeration.

    • 7). Mow the lawn after the grass reaches 2-1/2 inches tall. Minimize lawn traffic as much as possible until the grass is completely established.

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