Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Getting Over Yourself – Focus on Him, Not You! Critical Dating Advice for Women

When exactly did we all become so selfish when it comes to dating? Yes, I'm talking about you girls. I know that my own journey through the dating phase of life was filled with many hills, valleys and, what felt like, my fair share of potholes along the way. Through it all I thought my main focus was always on the guy I was involved with but now that I'm a bit more mature and in a stable, loving and committed relationship, I realize I was thinking about my own wants and needs most of the time. How is it that most of us can't see that when we're smack in the middle of it? It's time for every woman who wants a fulfilling relationship to get over herself and start making it all about him. Once you do, you'll be amazed at how quickly the connection between you and the man you adore morphs into something beyond your wildest emotional dreams.

When was the last time you focused on what your man really wanted? Push aside all those times you wanted to talk to him about where the relationship was headed, or whether he envisioned having children with you. Have you stopped lately to listen to what he desires from you? Typically in a blossoming relationship the male in the equation is slower to fall in love than his female paramour. He doesn't instantly imagine what it will be like to grow old with you and children are something he can't really picture as part of his life at the moment. His main focus is exploring the chemistry between the two of you and seeing if there's enough of a spark for him to want to continue to pursue this.

The truth is, and it's a stark one to absorb, that there are many, many eligible women all looking for the same thing. They all want a stable, well adjusted, emotionally mature man to spend their lives with. That's why so many men are quick to walk away from a relationship, in its earliest stages, if it's not giving them what they need. If you're bringing too much drama to the table, or if you're pushing for something too serious too soon, he may just pack up his heart and head straight for the door and out of your life.

Start seeing him as the focus of the relationship. Instead of trying to get your own needs fulfilled, work on doing that for him. It's truly not all about giving him exactly what he wants which in turn means you're selling yourself out. That's not what this is about. It's about seeing him as someone very special who deserves your attention and adoration.

Don't take it so far that you cater to everything he desires from you and don't go out of your way to do every small task for him. What you really want to be focusing on is making him feel cherished, loved and respected. Don't date other guys if the man you are seeing has made it clear that he really enjoys your company. Don't play too hard to get because he'll immediately recognize it for the emotional game that it is and flee. Also, be certain that you are always completely honest with him. Being yourself, in all your blemished and imperfect glory is what a man wants most from you.

By shifting the focus from you to him you'll be doing your developing connection a huge favor. Obviously, relationships and what they entail are serious and need to be respected, nurtured and honoured. Just don't get caught up in pushing so hard to get what you want that you push him right out of your life.

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