Family & Relationships Weddings

Writing Your Own Wedding Vows - Should You Do It?

Here are a few guidelines to follow if you are considering writing your own wedding vows: 1.
Talk to your priest or officiant, your future spouse and your immediate family.
Make sure everyone is on the same page and OK with personalizing your wedding vows.
Some religions have a specific ceremony that needs to be followed.
Figure out how you can fit your vows in.
Do a little internet research.
There are tons of resources online to other couples wedding vows.
Figure out how you want to word it & what is the main points you want to get across.
One of the simplest and sweetest wedding vows I came across went something like this: Matt I love you because of who you are, your kind, sweet, hardworking, understanding and amazing in everyday.
Matt I love you because when you look in my eyes I know you love me and I know we belong together Matt, I love you because...
(you can add as many or as few I love you because here..
) Matt, because I love you I promise to honor you in every way, cherish who you are, what we have, who we are...
Because I love you I promise to take care of you, to stand by you, to adventure with you.
I promise to devote myself to you and you alone no matter what may come our way, I promise to never give up no matter what, to fight for the love we share in the face of adversity, I promise to love you, completely and with everything I have, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life and beyond.
It's simple..
starting with a few "I love you because" and ending with a "because I love you I promise to...
" You can personalize it in any way you choose and make it as simple or extravagant as you like.
Consider ending or beginning with a love quote or saying.
Is there something special to the both of you or a saying that says exactly what he or she means to you? 4.
Put everything together and practice.
Practice in front of a mirror and practice saying it out loud to a close friend or family member.
The more you practice the more comfortable you will be with it.
Maybe you might even want to memorize it.
Personalizing your wedding vows may not be for everyone, but it does allow you as a couple to bring a unique touch that is special to the two of you.
If you are up for the challenge - Go for it!

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