Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Low Platelets In Leukemia : How To Increase Them Naturally

Are you a Leukemia patient suffering from low platelets? Are you also searching for non-toxic methods that will help increase your low platelets caused by a form of leukemia? Well there is hope that what I am about to share with you will be of great benefit to you. So keep reading and do not miss this.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia are the most common forms of leukemia in adults. The lymphocytic type being the most common of the two. Both types are discussed briefly in this article.

Leukemia patients may develop low platelets for different reasons. First the disease attacks the bone marrow where platelets are produced. Second, the medications that treat the disease can cause suppression of platelet production.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

CLL is a progressive form of leukemia. Most persons suffering from this type of leukemia do not present any form of symptoms whatsoever until the disease has advanced to stage four. It is during this stage IV of the disease that treatment is started. This is the stage in which thrombocytopenia ( low platelets ) starts. So you can say that low platelets in CLL is a sign of advanced disease.

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Also known as Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia or CML seems to be more aggressive than Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

CML has three phases:

1. Chronic phase: This is the phase where non-specific symptoms may be present with minor indications of severe disease. Some of these symptoms may be fatigue, a sense of feeling sick, anemia, chills at night etc. These symptoms may last from months to years 
2. Accelerated phase: It is in this phase that a low platelet count can occur. Also all symptoms especially anemia tend to get worse. 
3. Terminal phase: In this phase the disease tends to advance rapidly spreading to other areas such as bone, brain, lymph nodes etc and is usually fatal.

Both types of Leukemias can be low platelet causes at different stages. Natural herbs, dietary and life-style changes can be of great help in reducing some of the effects that these diseases have on your platelets.

The natural approach is not a substitute of your treatment but an adjunct healthy approach to support your body and immune system and especially to keep your platelets as normal as possible and a preventative way of avoiding the use of strong medications and surgery (splenectomy or taking out of the spleen - this surgical procedure is done more with CML sufferers).

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