How to Do the Yoga Reclining Bound Angle Pose With a Bolster
- 1). Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet resting flat on the floor. Prepare for the reclining bound angle pose by slipping a bolster under your knees, centering it as evenly as possible.
- 2). Allow your hands to rest either on your abdomen or palm up at your sides. Tuck your chin under slightly to lengthen the back of your neck and inhale deeply.
- 3). Exhale as you slowly open your knees out to the sides. Bring the bottoms of your feet together and pull the heels up as far as is comfortable. Drop the knees onto each end of the bolster and then allow your body to fully relax.
- 4). Breathe deeply and slowly into the pose. Do not try to actively pull the knees down, rather just relax and allow gravity to drop them into the bolster. Hold the pose for at least 1 minute, or longer for yoga meditations.
- 5). Release the pose when ready by inhaling as you lift the knees to center, supporting your legs with your hands as you lift, removing the bolster and then exhaling as you extend your legs out straight.