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Glassware For Usefulness and Decoration

When choosing gifts, glassware has always been a popular choice.
There are dozens of shapes, sizes and colors to pick from.
The normal wear and tear of life will result in broken items, so replacement is often needed.
Drinking containers get broken in the dishwasher, they get dropped on a tiled floor.
The chips or cracks may be the result of defects in the material itself, or due to rapid changes in temperature.
The definition of the term applies to any object made of glass, but most people understand it to mean the part of a table setting used for drinking.
There are three major categories of glasses.
Most households have stemware, tumblers and footed containers.
Tumblers have a straight side that goes all the way down to the flat base.
The names of common tumblers are usually related to the drink that is most often served in the glass.
A container that holds iced-tea is tall and slim.
It may flare slightly from base to top.
A juice holder is shorter and wider but still with straight sides.
Beer tumblers might be named by the amount of the amount of beer served in the glass.
Footed ware is another type that is not as readily standardized.
These examples will have a bowl that goes all the way to the base.
The bottom has feet that extend below the base and may or may not have a gap between the surface of the table and the bottom of the container.
Another major type of drinking container is stemware.
There is a flat base, a narrow stem and a bowl above the stem.
Brandy snifters, sherbet containers, cocktail glasses and wine glasses are usually called stemware.
Sets of glasses in crystal may not be strong, but they are beautiful.
They sparkle when sitting on the pantry shelf and are attractive when used as part of a place setting.
Most homeowners like to have several types of glasses to use for different purposes.
Using imaginative choices for the different beverages helps your place settings to be interesting.
Glassware is a common wedding gift.
A bride-to-be is able to use a bridal registry to pick favorite patterns and identify needs.
Glasses offered as a small memento associated with a housewarming helps a new neighbor feel welcome.
If you've lost touch with another neighbor, bring a set of juice glasses and a pitcher of juice and get together again.

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