Video: How to Do an Over-the-Shoulder Braid
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Jill Craven. This is how to do an over the shoulder braid. Braids are very popular right now to wear out to functions and just for everyday casual wear, so today I'm gonna show you how to do an over the shoulder braid. It can be very casual, but also it can be very dressed up if you'd like it to be. And what you'll do is you'll take three sections of hair, and you'll twist one around the other, and then the section on the bottom that's left out you're going to add a little hair to. And then you're gonna take the top piece and twist it under, and the hair that's left out on the top you're going to add hair to, and twist it around again. And continue adding hair from the bottom and the top. And of course you want it always to be smooth. You're going to also want to keep this braid down low, since it's going to be over the shoulder. And this is gonna be a continuous motion all the way around the head until you reach the other side behind the ear. When you reach the bottom right behind the ear, you can either leave the fringe out, or put it in if it's long enough, and you would take that piece, add it into your last section, twist it in like you're doing the braid, and follow through loosely all the way down until you run out of hair.