Family & Relationships

Surprising Advantages of Single Parenting For Both Parents and Kids

When going through a separation or a divorce, many parents feel guilty because they don't want their child to be disadvantaged in any way. Sometimes a parent will actually stay with their abusive spouse and be unhappy for many years in an attempt to keep their family together for the children. Instead of helping the children, this may actually be hurting them. The Advantages of Single Parenting are surprising to many parents, and the effect is having a happier, healthier child in the end.

It is often said that children are very resilient. It is true, they are. A divorce may the best thing that happens to your family despite popular belief. Once parents get back on their feet, they will once again be happy and be emotionally more healthy. This will be setting a positive example for their children. Some advantages of single parenting are that parents will have a lot more time to spend with their children doing fun things and even having special quality time. When they were married they had to divide their attention between their spouse and their children. Children get the attention that they were unable to have before. Children may even be able to get more attention from your ex if you have shared custody. When it comes to holidays, children are thrilled when Santa visits two homes and that they get double gifts from their parents.

Other Advantages of Single Parenting can also be that there is less housework, easier meal preparation, and a calmer living environment. Studies show that a home filled with constant conflict is very stressful for children. It is actually the least desirable living situation for them. Children would rather live in a small, one bedroom apartment than in a huge house with lots of toys and two parents that fight all the time. Having one less person in the house can mean that there is one less person to care for and clean up after. When it comes to meal planning, it is much easier to make simple, kid-friendly meals that you and your child will enjoy eating rather than cooking for another adult. This factor can actually help you save money on your grocery budget as well.

Advantages of Single Parenting extend to finances as well. Yes, it is true that you may have less income, but you will have full control over your money. Single parents can decide how to spend their money without having to consult anyone else and this will make budgeting easier and less stressful. It is true that two parent homes are ideal when it comes to traditional standards, but being a single parent does not have to be a negative experience. It can be the best decision that you will ever make and you can reap rewards that you never expected. The best advantage is that being a single parent can bring you and your child closer together in the end!

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