Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Make a Line Sheet

    • 1). Supply basic contact information on each separate line sheet. Include your business name and logo, contact name, address, phone number and email address.

    • 2). Describe your policies for ordering products on each page of the line sheet. Include the order minimum and payment method. Also include how long the line sheet is available, when the deadline is, delivery method and delivery dates.

    • 3). Separate the products by categories. For example, all tops should be on one line sheet and all pants should be on another.

    • 4). Provide a picture of each product. The picture used should only be in black and white. Graphics should be sketched or computer-generated.

    • 5). Give a brief description of the product, including fabric color, material composition and price. Also provide potential buyers with the style number and sizes for easy ordering.

    • 6). Save the line sheet on your computer as a PDF file to email to buyers. Print the line sheet on quality card stock.

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