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Designing Web 2.0 Software

If you want to enter the business of designing software applications that fit into the Web 2.
0 model, the good news is there is a real market for this sort of thing.
In fact, there is always room for making use of existing Internet capabilities and enhancing older methods of use or designing new ones that speak to the inherent strengths of the Internet.
There are a few basic tips you should keep in mind that will help provide you with food for thought.
Here are a few basic ideas to get you started.
First, keep in mind that software with a Web 2.
0 touch will go one step beyond older applications.
That is, your software design will need to provide all the functions and features of older software packages, but add something a little new and innovative.
These extra perks will be one of the things that will set your offering apart from other software applications, and thus help you establish your reputation as being an innovator in the Web 2.
0 arena.
Keep in mind the perks need to be something a little more effective than simple smoke and mirrors.
You want these extras to add real value to the overall experience of the user of the newly designed application.
Next, you may be interested in configuring your Web 2.
0 software package so that it has limited ability to function in an offline environment, but really comes alive when used in an online arena.
Games are a good example of this type of thing.
For example, you may want to make sure the game will work fine without an Internet connection, so that it can be enjoyed even when an Internet connection is not readily available.
However, when engaged in an online situation, the game blooms with additional features and functions that help to enhance the experience for the gamer.
Essentially, this provides the end user with the best of both worlds.
Last, your Web 2.
0 software should be user friendly.
Nobody likes complicated software that takes multiple steps to perform the most common tasks.
If you keep the overall function simplistic, this will help make the usability of the program much more attractive to a larger audience.
As you work on the basic design, you may be surprised at how easy it is to find ways to streamline a portion of a common process and still add in several elements that provide an added value that the end user will see as a bonus rather than as adding more work to the mix.
One work of caution - while you want plenty of bells and whistles, make sure each feature can be accessed with ease.

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