Health & Medical Self-Improvement

5.5 Elements In Having Faith In Your Business

Your Business and Faith

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If that sounds familiar to you it's from the Holy Bible, Hebrews 11:1. Being religious doesn't require faith. You are born with faith.

When you are driving you have faith that the other drivers will keep their eyes on the road. You have faith that they will stay in their lane. You don't have the power to control their driving. You only have the power over you. Yet you faithfully drive everyday. You travel and have faith that you and your luggage make it safely. Despite the rare accidents that happen you still travel.

To do the impossible you must see the invisible. When it comes to your business seeing yourself reach your financial and personal goals requires faith. Faith is in you. Taking action, persistence, consistency, and knowledge strengthens your faith.

We do not suffer from lack of knowledge. All the information you need on your business, niche, product, service, mentors, and companies is available. Fearing failure with your home based business is an option.

Here are the 5.5 Elements in having faith in your home based business:

1. Your Reason Why: Why do you have a business? What is your main outcome? Your why will always be bigger than just how much you want to make. Money is a means to an end. Did you start your business out of necessity due to being laid off? Do you want an extra income stream so your family can travel? Do you want to quit your job or retire your spouse from working? Find out your why. When you are clear on your reason your faith will not fail.

2. Self Confidence: Having faith in your business means you must have faith in yourself. Every business begins with personal development. You must believe you can succeed, generate profits, and create cash flow every month. No outside force can do this for you. Read the Law of Success, by Napoleon Hill. He has a great chapter on self-confidence and even gives you a step by step formula.

3. Personal Development: Knowledge will always strengthen your faith. Read for 15-30 minutes everyday. You should focus on sales, marketing, self-help, personal finance, investing, business management, and your industry. Leaders are readers. Feed your mind daily on material that will help your home based business flourish.

4. Find a Successful System: Find a system and follow it until you succeed. You need to find a plan that fits well with your strengths. Find a marketing and sales process that goes along with your personality. If you don't like cold calling then don't have it in your marketing.

Athletes don not play well out of position. When they play to their weaknesses they are unhappy, frustrated, and may go into slumps. The same thing happens in your business. Play to your strengths. Avoid changing plans and don't get caught chasing shiny objects.

5. Action: Faith is an action word. You can not sit there and do nothing. Life is a test and trust. Be, do, and then have. Work comes before the wealth. Vision comes before the work. See yourself succeeding on your vision.

5.5 Do One Thing at a Time: Here is an old concept. Do one thing at a time. Stop multi-tasking. There is a reason it's laws against texting and driving. It's dangerous! Focus on one thing and I guarantee you will reduce your anxiety, frustration, and you will be more effective. Have only one window on your computer. Don't write a blog and talk on the phone at the same time.

Take action on these 5.5 elements now. Remember you already have faith because you use it everyday. Focus that faith into yourself and your business.

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