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How to Calculate the Slate for a Patio

    • 1). Measure the length of your patio from front to back.

    • 2). Measure the width of your patio from side to side.

    • 3). Round both numbers up to the nearest whole number (in feet, usually).

    • 4). Multiply the total length by the total width. For example, if your patio is 10 feet long and 12 feet wide, 10 x 12 = 120 square feet. That is the total surface area of your patio.

    • 5). Choose the kind of slate you will be using. Make note of the size of the tile. If you are laying a pattern of different-size tiles, use the overall pattern measurement on the front of the box.

    • 6). Divide the length of the room by the length of one tile. For tiles or patterns that are 12 inches square, 10 feet ÷ 1 foot = 10 tiles for each row, from front to back.

    • 7). Divide the width of the room by the width of one tile. 12 feet ÷ 1 foot = 12 tiles for each row, from side to side.

    • 8). Multiply the two tile numbers: 10 tiles x 12 tiles equals 120 tiles.

    • 9). Double check your measurements and math by drawing out the patio and tile pattern on graph paper. Make sure to keep it to scale, to be accurate.

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