Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Expecting Your First Child - How to Start With Confidence!

A baby changes the lives of everyone in the family but for the mother-to-be having a child is the journey of her life.
She undergoes physical, emotional and hormonal changes which can be scary and confusing for a first time mom.
But do not worry as there is enough guidance and advice available, and sometimes probably a little too much.
Decide on your doctor: The first step to take, once your pregnancy is confirmed, is to choose and meet a gynecologist.
Find a doctor or a clinic which you can trust and depend upon, at a location that is convenient for you.
Your doctor is going to be your biggest adviser and guide throughout your pregnancy, so ask questions and get clarifications.
Every time I went to meet my doctor, I took a list of all my queries and doubts with me, so that I did not miss anything.
You can do the same and remember doctors understand your anxiousness and do not mind answering questions that make you more comfortable.
In case, your doctor is not very supportive, I would suggest you ask around and find another at the earliest! Join an online community: You may not have friends around you or your relatives may belong to another generation; no sweat! Just find online communities like india parenting, and you will have access to a group of women going through experiences similar to yours.
Just going through the posts will answer most of your queries or at least give you the comfort of knowing that you are not the only one with those issues.
And like me, you may find a few who live in your area or locality! My community had all the answers whether I was looking for a perfect dress, a place with goodies I craved, a list of baby names or I was dealing with nausea, back ache, exhaustion or I was having a conflict with my husband.
Research: Go online and read! The web is filled with scientific information, expert opinions, peer advice and personal experiences.
Knowing what is happening to you and being prepared for what is expected will make you that less anxious and worried.
Through my research, I knew beforehand that I would lose 10-12 kilos immediately after giving birth.
This made me comfortable with all the weight I gained in the last one month.
By the way, I actually did lose 12 kilos by the fifth day after my baby's delivery.
Relax and enjoy your pregnancy: There is no dearth of information or advice but the most important thing is to remember that every pregnancy is unique and it is a phase in your life which will not come very often.
So, make the most of it and savor every phase and every change that you go through.
You will see the world around you change as people realize you are pregnant.
Complete strangers will stop to help you on the road, older people will look to you with care and other mothers will feel an instant affinity towards you! I end with a hope that these will be of help and wish for a happy and safe pregnancy and mother hood!!

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