Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Look Slim While Pregnant - The Secret is in What to Wear and What Not to Wear While Pregnant

How to look slim while pregnant is a very common thing pregnant women want to learn.
The trick is pretty simple and may be easily missed for that very reason.
The trick is to know what to wear through out your pregnancy.
The truth is that wearing your clothes the RIGHT way will enhance your figure and make you look slim and trim ALL the time.
  1. You can be slimmer with dresses - One thing pregnant women look for is comfort! The best part about this is that there are TONS of maternity and normal dresses that pregnant women can wear and look fabulous in while feeling completely comfortable.
    If you look good in them, you can be confident that you look slim in them too.
  2. Wear trendy clothes - Throw out your maternity clothes and get the nicest, trendiest, sexiest outfits your pregnant body wants to wear! The thing about trendy clothes is that their style aims to slim the woman's figure.
    So, again, if it looks GOOD on you, it means it's working for you and you look slimmer in it.
    If it DOESN"T look good on you, or you feel uncomfortable wearing it, then DON'T WEAR IT.
    Isn't that simple?
  3. Wear sexy lingerie for your husband - You may forget to look ultra sexy in the bedroom for your hubby while you're pregnant.
    Don't do that.
    Always remember that you are still the sexy woman he married! Choose lingerie that you usually wear or slightly larger than your normal size for the first 2 trimesters.
    For the third trimester, if you need it, there are gorgeous maternity lingerie you can find easily online with a little searching.

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