Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Stop Calling the Ex After a Break Up - Regain Control and Kill the Urge

Dianne feels a bit lost and needs to hear his voice.
He is irritated by her frequent calls and she feels like a fool afterwards.
Berating herself for her weakness does not really help.
She is determined to stop her foolishness and she needs help.
She asks, "How do I stop calling my ex after a break up?" This is one of the hardest things to do after a break up.
The urge to call up the ex and to hear his voice is often too overwhelming to be ignored.
Sometimes no amount of rationalization can break the urge.
To be able to answer her question "how do I stop calling my ex after a break up?" it is important to understand what Dianne is going through.
She feels disoriented after the breakup.
She is feeling alone, lonely and depressed.
She thinks that there is no one else she can turn to.
She asks herself over and over again: How to stop calling my ex after a break up? Friends and family can give lots of support and help in such situations.
Whenever she feels the need to call her ex, she should instead call someone else: a close friend or a family member, with whom she can share her feelings and pour her emotions In the absence of friends and family or if she wants to keep her feelings confidential, Dianne can make a diary or a personal blog and write down whatever she would like to say to her ex.
She can pour out her feelings on her writings.
It's the best way to unburden and to look at her feelings from a different perspective.
Writing about what she is going through can be an eye opener for her.
It can reveal her strengths and weaknesses to herself, so that she can make a fresh start on her life.
By sharing her thoughts, feelings and emotions with someone else or by writing them down, Dianne have avoided calling her ex.
In due time, the need to call her ex will wane and die.
She can go on with her life.
How do I stop calling my ex after a break up? I'll tell Dianne that, "sharing what you are going through with someone else or with yourself by writing it down is a good way to do it!"

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