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Why You Don"t Have to Rank on Google to Make Money Online

I don't know if you know but you do not have to rank in Google to make money online.

If you didn't know well, now you know.

And here's why€¦

SEO is a long term strategy subject to change because of Google rules.

It's their turf, so you must play by their rules.

You don't need to use SEO as your only method of driving traffic to your business.

If you love SEO or love to blog listen up.

Think €refurbish.€

What does it mean to refurbish a blog? It means to brighten or freshen up, a synonym would be to renovate.

So what could you create with a refurbished blog post?

Here are 3 ways to refurbish or recreate your blog post to get maximum traffic.

# 1 turn your blog into an article.

rank in Google

You can do this very easily at different article directory sites.

Don't think that everyone searching for information on the internet is using the Google search bar.

Google is the number one search engine in the world with 1,100,000,000 visitors per month. Google is followed by Bing which gets 350,000,000 visitors per month, and then Yahoo which gets 300,000,000 visitors per month.

This is great information and should encourage you to continue or start writing blogs with on page SEO to rank on Google.

But while you wait for your blog post to "rank on Google" you can refurbish it to get even more traffic to your blog.

Millions of people search for information on article directory sites.

I promise you that turning your blog post into an article is easy. All you do is copy and paste information from your blog post onto one of these websites and they take care of the rest.

Some article directory sites that you can try are ezinearticles, goarticles, articlesbase, and articlesnatch.

# 2 Turn your blog post into an eBook or Pdf document.

rank on Google

If you want to stand out from the millions of other online marketers you need to be yourself and give value.

One way to give value is to give away free eBooks to your list.

Don't worry because this is easy to do.

Write a value based blog post and then go to a site like to have it instantly turned into a PDF document or an eBook.

You can then send your free eBook to your list and share it on sites like and These document sharing sites get thousands and thousands of visitors.

# 3 Publish your blog post to a forum where your €niche market€ hangs out.

rank in Google

There are billions of people in these forums and that's a lot of eyes searching for you and what you bring to the table. Try forums like and

You can build relationships with people in your niche by answering questions, participating, and giving value.

One way you can give value is publishing your educational, inspirational, and value packed blog posts. A couple of sites that you can try today are and

I know that you want to give value to your customers and prospects. I understand that you want to do SEO to rank on Google.

You might not get immediate results if you try and rank on Google. This can be more of a long-term strategy. And by all means keep writing on page SEO blog posts. I'm just saying that you don't have to rely on that method to get a ton of traffic.

Add this to your list of content syndication strategies and produce bigger and faster results.

To get fast results you need to implement all of these methods that I just listed.

If you want more traffic and you want to make more sales in your business you need to take action today.

Click here to find out how you can rank on Google in the search engines even faster!

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