IS THERE SOUL IN YOUR GOALS? Set Goals That Compel You
What is your track record for reaching the goals you set? Or even for setting goals?
People often set goals like they make New Year's resolutions. You want to make something happen, do something different, change something that's not working or do something that you think you should do. Within a month or less you've forgotten the goals or resolutions you've set.
There are several reasons why someone might completely forget goals they've set or not achieve them. There could be a disempowering belief at work that keeps you from the level of success and fulfillment of which you are worthy.
Maybe the achievement of the goal requires assistance from others but you're not ready to ask for or pay for it. It could be a lack of focus - you set a goal then put it away and forget about it until way down the road. Perhaps you set a goal and then realize you don't know "how" to get there, so you give up.
OR there is no Soul in Your Goals. Instead there is a heavy feel to them - they feel like hard work. They don't inspire you or raise your energy. The truth be known, you'd prefer not to work on them at all.
Goals need to embody the energy of soul to make them alive and compelling for you, to make the path to their completion "heart" work rather than "hard" work. It is important that your goals please you, inspire you and lift your spirits. And it is important to recognize the higher purpose that they represent.
This means that you don't start with goals; you start with soul and get to goals. Your goals are specific, measurable chunks of a soul-inspired calling, dream or desire that you want to bring into being or evolve to the next level.
First identify the calling, dream or desire. Then go to the deepest essence - the soul - of it. You can do this by turning within and asking your higher self what is wanting to happen through this calling, dream or desire. Your higher self will answer any sincere question.
A powerful way of engaging in this process is to ask the question before some activity in which you most easily connect with your essence. This could be meditation, journaling, a walk in nature or something else.
Let's say that one of your dreams is currently being realized through a business or some other creative expression in which you are already engaged.
As you begin the activity, go within and ask your higher self, "What is wanting to happen through my business now, this next year, etc.?" Then turn your attention to your breath (or whatever your meditative focus is) for a period of time.
Spend time after the meditation to again reflect on your question. Take notes of what came to you or what is coming to you now. This could be any combination of images, feelings, a felt sense, specific messages or guidance, or anything else.
You will have a much stronger sense of what your soul is calling for.
Remind yourself of the dream that your business is based upon and use the information given by your higher self to create your goals. Write your goals with the energy and spirit of your dream and they will be inspiring, energized and filled with soul.
The path to the achievement of your goals will be "heart" work and filled with pleasure and grace.
Step Into Your Greatness...
Make your goals "soul goals."
People often set goals like they make New Year's resolutions. You want to make something happen, do something different, change something that's not working or do something that you think you should do. Within a month or less you've forgotten the goals or resolutions you've set.
There are several reasons why someone might completely forget goals they've set or not achieve them. There could be a disempowering belief at work that keeps you from the level of success and fulfillment of which you are worthy.
Maybe the achievement of the goal requires assistance from others but you're not ready to ask for or pay for it. It could be a lack of focus - you set a goal then put it away and forget about it until way down the road. Perhaps you set a goal and then realize you don't know "how" to get there, so you give up.
OR there is no Soul in Your Goals. Instead there is a heavy feel to them - they feel like hard work. They don't inspire you or raise your energy. The truth be known, you'd prefer not to work on them at all.
Goals need to embody the energy of soul to make them alive and compelling for you, to make the path to their completion "heart" work rather than "hard" work. It is important that your goals please you, inspire you and lift your spirits. And it is important to recognize the higher purpose that they represent.
This means that you don't start with goals; you start with soul and get to goals. Your goals are specific, measurable chunks of a soul-inspired calling, dream or desire that you want to bring into being or evolve to the next level.
First identify the calling, dream or desire. Then go to the deepest essence - the soul - of it. You can do this by turning within and asking your higher self what is wanting to happen through this calling, dream or desire. Your higher self will answer any sincere question.
A powerful way of engaging in this process is to ask the question before some activity in which you most easily connect with your essence. This could be meditation, journaling, a walk in nature or something else.
Let's say that one of your dreams is currently being realized through a business or some other creative expression in which you are already engaged.
As you begin the activity, go within and ask your higher self, "What is wanting to happen through my business now, this next year, etc.?" Then turn your attention to your breath (or whatever your meditative focus is) for a period of time.
Spend time after the meditation to again reflect on your question. Take notes of what came to you or what is coming to you now. This could be any combination of images, feelings, a felt sense, specific messages or guidance, or anything else.
You will have a much stronger sense of what your soul is calling for.
Remind yourself of the dream that your business is based upon and use the information given by your higher self to create your goals. Write your goals with the energy and spirit of your dream and they will be inspiring, energized and filled with soul.
The path to the achievement of your goals will be "heart" work and filled with pleasure and grace.
Step Into Your Greatness...
Make your goals "soul goals."