Tall Fescue and Turf Type Varieties
- Houndog 6 (Festuca arundinacea "Houndog 6") is a heat-tolerant and disease-resistant variety of tall fescue turf grass with a superior quality. This cold-hardy plant has deep green blades with a fine texture and a bunching formation that spreads through seeding. Houndog 6 is a low-maintenance grass that likes full to partial shade but withstands sun well. Landscapers use this type of turf grass on golf courses and lawns because of its ability to endure heavy wear and tear.
- Rebel (Festuca arundinacea "Rebel") is a variety of tall fescue specifically developed as a turf grass by Dr. Funk from Rutgers University in 1980. This cool season grass provides long-lasting color throughout the growing season. Rebel forms a thick cover with a fine texture unlike earlier tall fescue species, which had a coarse feel. This perennial blend is a resilient grass that withstands heavy foot traffic. Rebel is a heat-tolerant plant that performs well in the full sun and shade. Fall is the optimal time to seed or reseed as needed.
- Bonsai (Festuca arundinacea "Bonsai") is a dwarf variety of tall fescue grass use for residential and commercial landscaping. This deeply rooted turf grass has a slower rate of growth than other tall fescue species. Bonsai has a low growing configuration with finely textured dark green leaf blades. This Poaceae plant has a moderate forbearance of shade and is a disease-resistant species with a high tolerance to heat. Bonsai turf grass keeps its green color throughout the year and has a dense formation.
- Rhizing star (Festuca arundinacea "Rhizing Star") is a variety of tall fescue with a clumping formation. This heat-resistant grass plant has a high tolerance to disease and drought. Rhizing star seeds establish quickly and develop a rhizomatous root system that produces quality turf grass that withstands damage from normal use. This Poaceae family plant has a dense compact appearance with dark green leave blades. Landscapers cultivate this turf grass for use on golf courses, lawns and sites with low-maintenance needs.