Learn Spanish Fast Online
If you want to learn Spanish fast, and correctly, the best place to start is online.
Forget the old traditional classroom drudgery (I well remember sitting there conjugating verbs when I had no idea of what they meant!) with its emphasis on memorizing vocabulary and conjugating verbs.
There are better ways to learn! Think about it...
you could speak pretty good English a long time before you could even spell "conjugation"! You learned naturally, starting with a few words, using them in conversations and gradually learning more.
That's the same way you learn Spanish online.
That's the way you should go about learning Spanish.
The natural way, just as you learned English! You learn it and use it, use it and learn it, expanding your ability to communicate not by memorizing but by doing...
That's how you learn Spanish online, by using an interactive-audio 'learn Spanish program' that you can download from the Internet.
The instructor, a native Spanish-speaker, teaches you some Spanish words.
"To say 'good morning' in Spanish, you say 'buenos días'.
" The instructor says it, you repeat after.
Then you have questions and answers.
You are asked a question, you answer in Spanish.
You take part in brief conversations, "Como está usted hoy?" (How are you today?) and you answer, "Bien, gracias.
Y usted?" (Well, thank you.
And you?).
You gradually expand into more and more complex exchanges, learning by speaking.
And you are learning how to speak from someone who really KNOWS exactly how to speak correct Spanish perfectly, without an accent.
[During one stint while living in a Spanish-speaking country for a while, I hired a tutor, a Spanish major at the local University, who spoke almost no English.
We talked for a bit, me with my budding but still very basic Spanish, and she told me that I was speaking lower-class, uneducated, gutter Spanish! I thought for a moment and realized that I had been talking with taxi drivers, gardeners, service station attendants and street vendors, to practice, every chance I got.
And I had been learning it WRONG! With the WRONG accent! (Please learn from my experience and learn only from excellent native speakers!)] You learn Spanish fast online by downloading learn Spanish programs that use instructors who speak perfect Spanish.
(I tried some of the tapes on native speakers in three different Latin American countries and none could identify the national origin of the instructor! But all agreed it was excellent Spanish!) It's very convenient.
You can buy online 24/7/365.
Download the program and start using it to learn Spanish in just minutes! Offload it to your iPod or other digital audio device and take it with you.
Practice you lessons while driving your car, while working out, anywhere, anytime, you choose.
And it's not expensive.
A first-class full learning course like Rocket Spanish or Learn Spanish Like Crazy can be downloaded for under $100.
A fast, crash course in the basics like Synergy Spanish will set you back less than $50.
The whole thing, books, audio lessons, everything, is downloadable, you get it NOW.
So get yourself a 'learn Spanish course' and learn Spanish fast online! Join the 40 million other Spanish Speakers in the U.
Why be left out? For more information on how to learn Spanish fast online, including some free lessons, follow the links below...
Forget the old traditional classroom drudgery (I well remember sitting there conjugating verbs when I had no idea of what they meant!) with its emphasis on memorizing vocabulary and conjugating verbs.
There are better ways to learn! Think about it...
you could speak pretty good English a long time before you could even spell "conjugation"! You learned naturally, starting with a few words, using them in conversations and gradually learning more.
That's the same way you learn Spanish online.
That's the way you should go about learning Spanish.
The natural way, just as you learned English! You learn it and use it, use it and learn it, expanding your ability to communicate not by memorizing but by doing...
That's how you learn Spanish online, by using an interactive-audio 'learn Spanish program' that you can download from the Internet.
The instructor, a native Spanish-speaker, teaches you some Spanish words.
"To say 'good morning' in Spanish, you say 'buenos días'.
" The instructor says it, you repeat after.
Then you have questions and answers.
You are asked a question, you answer in Spanish.
You take part in brief conversations, "Como está usted hoy?" (How are you today?) and you answer, "Bien, gracias.
Y usted?" (Well, thank you.
And you?).
You gradually expand into more and more complex exchanges, learning by speaking.
And you are learning how to speak from someone who really KNOWS exactly how to speak correct Spanish perfectly, without an accent.
[During one stint while living in a Spanish-speaking country for a while, I hired a tutor, a Spanish major at the local University, who spoke almost no English.
We talked for a bit, me with my budding but still very basic Spanish, and she told me that I was speaking lower-class, uneducated, gutter Spanish! I thought for a moment and realized that I had been talking with taxi drivers, gardeners, service station attendants and street vendors, to practice, every chance I got.
And I had been learning it WRONG! With the WRONG accent! (Please learn from my experience and learn only from excellent native speakers!)] You learn Spanish fast online by downloading learn Spanish programs that use instructors who speak perfect Spanish.
(I tried some of the tapes on native speakers in three different Latin American countries and none could identify the national origin of the instructor! But all agreed it was excellent Spanish!) It's very convenient.
You can buy online 24/7/365.
Download the program and start using it to learn Spanish in just minutes! Offload it to your iPod or other digital audio device and take it with you.
Practice you lessons while driving your car, while working out, anywhere, anytime, you choose.
And it's not expensive.
A first-class full learning course like Rocket Spanish or Learn Spanish Like Crazy can be downloaded for under $100.
A fast, crash course in the basics like Synergy Spanish will set you back less than $50.
The whole thing, books, audio lessons, everything, is downloadable, you get it NOW.
So get yourself a 'learn Spanish course' and learn Spanish fast online! Join the 40 million other Spanish Speakers in the U.
Why be left out? For more information on how to learn Spanish fast online, including some free lessons, follow the links below...