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UFO Sightings

Great Britain - 06-15-10 - UFO Spotted by Producer in Buckhurst Hill - A second sighting of strange orange objects in the skies over the north of the borough has been reported.
Producer Kate Sioftanou reckons she saw similar UFOs to those spotted by former pilot David Crook in Buckhurst Hill earlier this month. She spotted two ball-shaped lights from the back garden of her home in New Wanstead on Saturday, June 5.

She said: "It was a really lovely evening and we were sitting outside with some friends when suddenly this black helicopter came flying low overhead. Just behind it gliding across the sky was this big orange ball - it looked like it was following the helicopter."

"It was moving really, really fast. I didn't really think anything of it the first time, but about 20 seconds later another one came past. They were quiet low and didn't make a sound." Source:

Great Britain - 06-16-10 - Mysterious lights have been spotted in the skies above Tendring, sparking a flurry of UFO reports. The Gazette reported last week how UFO skeptic John Tarrier saw unidentified flying objects over Jaywick. Three days later, Sue Alderton also had a close encounter.

She went into the garden of her house in Havering Close, Clacton, at 10 PM.

"I noticed three bright orange, glowing, lights to the west - quite big in size. They just appeared and were traveling from east to west. They were quite high up and seemed to be traveling fairly fast.

My husband also witnessed this."

Sue insisted that what she saw could not have been Chinese lanterns. Source:

Great Britain - 06-20-10 - I was sitting in my garden on a warm night with clear skies. I was looking to the south, there is a gap between my house and a large Conifer tree.

At 22.25 hrs, I noticed a fast moving object, midway between vertical and the horizon. I walked forward so that I could follow its progress beyond the Conifer, the object was moving West to East.

As I moved forward, some 30 feet, the object was moving fast enough that I had to move quite quickly to keep up. It was gone out of view quite quickly. It appeared to be trailing orange fire, and made no sound.

It only appeared to be two dimensional, not three. My thoughts were that it was a meteor or asteroid passing through the upper atmosphere, but there was no trail behind the object.

It was difficult to tell how large or small the object was, but my perception was that it was quite large. I am 63 years old and have lived and studied aircraft since I was a lad, but I have never seen such an object before, even in Farnborough, the cradle of British aviation.

The object disappeared over the eastern horizon, it passed over in about 15 to 20 seconds. I'm convinced I spotted something out of the normal. source:

Great Britain - 06-21-10 - It was a very sunny day and all my family and I were in the garden in Prestatyn, North Wales, enjoying Father's Day, when my dad noticed what looked like a balloon drifting in the sky.

Then we noticed high above that to the right of it what looked like stars, round in shape and silver/white across the sky. They were in formation - 3 in a row up front, then 6 in a hexagonal shape behind them.

They did not move from their positions as they moved across the sky. We carried on watching until they were out of sight. We just looked at each other in bewilderment as to what we had just seen.

I tried to take a photo but they were too high and with the sky so blue, it would not have shown them. We have checked local news but nothing has been reported. Source:

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