Health & Medical Lose Weight

Harmful "Parasites" - Making And Keeping You Fat?

Many of us sometimes are getting frustrated by overweight and obesity, and worst cases lead to serious disease and health problem.
But many of us have difficulties dealing with weight loss drugs, diets that only make us starve or diets that we can not stick to, or anything unnatural that works against our body and might put our health at bigger risk.
But in the other side, of course almost all of us have eaten a kind of fast foods, store-bought foods or processed foods, or even polluted foods which have high exposure to several types of harmful parasites and toxins.
Have you? If we answered yes, then we have a 99 % likelihood that we have those parasites living in our guts that absolutely do not belong there - and stay inside our colon.
Suzanne Gudakunts has finally come forward to reveal her discovery that to get rid of fat has little if anything to do today with diets and exercising, and more to do with toxic build up in your intestines and parasites living in your stomach.
This toxic build up eventually forms a plague that coats the interior walls and lining of your colon until the layer is so thick that your body starts making you fatter as a simple defense to keep you away from the poisons infesting you.
This 'plague' is something relatively new in the world of medicine and human anatomy, having its origin in the newer synthetic foods, preservatives, and 'chemically-enhanced' materials now found in foods after 1960s.
Suzanne (loved by her adoring TV audience) discovered that the simple elimination of these toxins and the plague resulting from it was enough in 98% of all case studies to rid people of dozens of pounds, to in extreme cases of obesity more than 100lbs! So there is an important Question & Answer.
Is my colon really so important to my health? Absolutely! In fact, the Royal Society of Medicine has accurately determined that "death begins in the colon.
" Further, the FDA says that the average person has 5-15 pounds of fecal matter in their colon.
So if you have such poisonous matter in your colon, it makes sense that you'll get very, very sick - and eventually die prematurely, right? However this secret of fat loss plan does not include exercise which build our muscles, intense diet or dangerous weight loss drugs, but it is really useful and highly effective natural solution to get rid of harmful parasites and deadly toxins that infest human bowel tract.
It will make us lose fat fast and keep us from getting very sick.
So, why don't you find out how to get rid of these bad guys and this "junk" now?

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