Are Salespeople Becoming Obsolete?
Will the continuous advances in technology replace the profession of selling in the foreseeable future?? I am not a fortune teller or a mystic, but I do believe that we will see dramatic changes in the roles salespeople play in their organizations and the economy in general.
During the next several years and stretching into the next few decades there will be dramatic and all encompassing change in every industry, field and profession.
No one will go untouched by the swath that will cut across every age group and discipline.
Let me say that in this article I am not referring to "retail salespeople".
People that tend the sales counters in stores and business of every type and description.
Second, I am not referring to tele-marketing people and third I am not referring to customer service people who have some sales responsibilities.
I am focusing my discussion on the thousands of salespeople who daily catch airplanes, cabs, trains as well aslog thousands of miles per year selling their organizations products or services across the street, the country or the globe.
We are rapidly becoming a society that no longer talks to each other.
We communicate by fax machine, computer, EMail, answering machines and voice mail.
We are losing the human touch.
I believe there are a number of reasons why the sales profession is alive and well and will continue to be for years to come.
This doesn't mean however, that we will not experiencedramatic changes in the way salespeople sell and service their customers and clients.
I would like to offer ten reasons why I feel salespeople will always play a vital role in a healthy, growing economy whether national or international in scope.
Let's first however, define the roles or responsibilities of salespeople today.
Professional salespeople are charged with any or all of the following, in their daily routines: One.
They present new ideas, concepts, products, services to present clients/customers and to potential clients/customers alike.
They assess the marketplace i.
customer satisfaction levels and perceptions, general market attitudes, competitor strengths and weaknesses and consumer interest trends.
They witness and report on the emergence of grass root market shifts and interests.
They soothe ruffled egos of disappointed, frustrated and angry customers.
They provide bottom-up feedback to the management of their organization on any number of opportunities, problems and issues.
They are the front line of attack for any number of corporate marketing strategies and programs.
They work the trade show booths (a grueling task, if you have never done it) in thousands of trade shows each year.
They are on the look out for new product/service opportunities that a "corporate" person would never see.
They solve customer problems caused by poor design, poor production, poor distribution, poor billing practices etc.
They are ambassadors for management, building positive on-going relationships that can increase business and profits.
I challenge you to find a computer, fax machine, software program, customer service rep, or marketing person who can do all of this with the: Courage of a mountain climber, Patience of Job, Sacrifice of Mother Teresa, Energy of a two year old, Creativity of Frank Lloyd Wright Dedication of a mother, Wisdom of Confucius, Enthusiasm ofa cheerleader Commitment of a Olympic athlete, and the persistence ofa toddler The role of the sales professionalwill continue to undergo transformation but the fundamental mission will remain in tact.
In the last few years there have been a few examples where businesses have decided to do away with their salespeople entirely.
I believe that this approach to dealing with the buying public is a cop out by the management of these organizations.
Their premise is that consumers do not want to do business through salespeople.
Wrong!!! Consumers don't want to do business through lazy, unethical, incompetent or stupid salespeople.
Try buying anything today without a salesperson's involvement and I will guarantee you will waste time, energy or money before you are through.
Another group would have us believe that one day we will buy everything we need from a mail order catalogue, Home Shopping Network or a computer on line service.
Wrong!!! Some products, yes.
Low price consumables, yes.
Computers, exercise equipment, jewelry, books etc.
, yes.
But complicated,major products or services, no.
If you agree with my basic premise, why not try and list the products, services or industries that you feel are not good candidates for this type of "buyer controlled" selling.
One final thought.
Would the elimination of the professional salesperson be good for consumers, the economy, companies and the free market system that has built the strongest economy in the history of the world in less than three hundred years? I don't believe so.
Sales forces may:get smaller and more effective, cover more territory, sella wider diversity of products or services as we move into the next century and beyond, but they will never become obsolete.
If you are selling for a living, you will need to accelerate your personal growth in order to live a balanced successful life as you continue to move down this challenging career highway.
If you are a sales manager, you will need to reevaluate your role, responsibilities and purpose as your position will also undergo dramatic changes in the next several years.
If you are the owner or senior executive of a business that uses salespeople to represent your products and services, you will need to provide; stronger support systems, increased training, upgraded tools necessary for their success and streamlined information, if you want them to help you compete successfully in the coming years.
You will also need to listen to your salespeople without judgment, prejudice and clouded ego centered perceptions.
If you are a consumer, you will need to continue to flex your muscles demanding, integrity, professionalism, flexibility, responsiveness and competence from the salespeople with whom you do business.
During the next several years and stretching into the next few decades there will be dramatic and all encompassing change in every industry, field and profession.
No one will go untouched by the swath that will cut across every age group and discipline.
Let me say that in this article I am not referring to "retail salespeople".
People that tend the sales counters in stores and business of every type and description.
Second, I am not referring to tele-marketing people and third I am not referring to customer service people who have some sales responsibilities.
I am focusing my discussion on the thousands of salespeople who daily catch airplanes, cabs, trains as well aslog thousands of miles per year selling their organizations products or services across the street, the country or the globe.
We are rapidly becoming a society that no longer talks to each other.
We communicate by fax machine, computer, EMail, answering machines and voice mail.
We are losing the human touch.
I believe there are a number of reasons why the sales profession is alive and well and will continue to be for years to come.
This doesn't mean however, that we will not experiencedramatic changes in the way salespeople sell and service their customers and clients.
I would like to offer ten reasons why I feel salespeople will always play a vital role in a healthy, growing economy whether national or international in scope.
Let's first however, define the roles or responsibilities of salespeople today.
Professional salespeople are charged with any or all of the following, in their daily routines: One.
They present new ideas, concepts, products, services to present clients/customers and to potential clients/customers alike.
They assess the marketplace i.
customer satisfaction levels and perceptions, general market attitudes, competitor strengths and weaknesses and consumer interest trends.
They witness and report on the emergence of grass root market shifts and interests.
They soothe ruffled egos of disappointed, frustrated and angry customers.
They provide bottom-up feedback to the management of their organization on any number of opportunities, problems and issues.
They are the front line of attack for any number of corporate marketing strategies and programs.
They work the trade show booths (a grueling task, if you have never done it) in thousands of trade shows each year.
They are on the look out for new product/service opportunities that a "corporate" person would never see.
They solve customer problems caused by poor design, poor production, poor distribution, poor billing practices etc.
They are ambassadors for management, building positive on-going relationships that can increase business and profits.
I challenge you to find a computer, fax machine, software program, customer service rep, or marketing person who can do all of this with the: Courage of a mountain climber, Patience of Job, Sacrifice of Mother Teresa, Energy of a two year old, Creativity of Frank Lloyd Wright Dedication of a mother, Wisdom of Confucius, Enthusiasm ofa cheerleader Commitment of a Olympic athlete, and the persistence ofa toddler The role of the sales professionalwill continue to undergo transformation but the fundamental mission will remain in tact.
In the last few years there have been a few examples where businesses have decided to do away with their salespeople entirely.
I believe that this approach to dealing with the buying public is a cop out by the management of these organizations.
Their premise is that consumers do not want to do business through salespeople.
Wrong!!! Consumers don't want to do business through lazy, unethical, incompetent or stupid salespeople.
Try buying anything today without a salesperson's involvement and I will guarantee you will waste time, energy or money before you are through.
Another group would have us believe that one day we will buy everything we need from a mail order catalogue, Home Shopping Network or a computer on line service.
Wrong!!! Some products, yes.
Low price consumables, yes.
Computers, exercise equipment, jewelry, books etc.
, yes.
But complicated,major products or services, no.
If you agree with my basic premise, why not try and list the products, services or industries that you feel are not good candidates for this type of "buyer controlled" selling.
One final thought.
Would the elimination of the professional salesperson be good for consumers, the economy, companies and the free market system that has built the strongest economy in the history of the world in less than three hundred years? I don't believe so.
Sales forces may:get smaller and more effective, cover more territory, sella wider diversity of products or services as we move into the next century and beyond, but they will never become obsolete.
If you are selling for a living, you will need to accelerate your personal growth in order to live a balanced successful life as you continue to move down this challenging career highway.
If you are a sales manager, you will need to reevaluate your role, responsibilities and purpose as your position will also undergo dramatic changes in the next several years.
If you are the owner or senior executive of a business that uses salespeople to represent your products and services, you will need to provide; stronger support systems, increased training, upgraded tools necessary for their success and streamlined information, if you want them to help you compete successfully in the coming years.
You will also need to listen to your salespeople without judgment, prejudice and clouded ego centered perceptions.
If you are a consumer, you will need to continue to flex your muscles demanding, integrity, professionalism, flexibility, responsiveness and competence from the salespeople with whom you do business.