Health & Medical Self-Improvement

If Not Now Then When?

Is there ever really a good time for us to go back to school, start a new career or follow that dream that we have let go of for so long? Well, not really.
That is because something is always going on in our lives.
And we have to stop waiting for the perfect time to make our goals and dreams happen, because more than likely there is no perfect time.
There is no time where we are going to be freed up the way that we desire to be! Consider this.
A person says that they have to wait until their child gets older to follow their dreams.
Then their child gets older, but the individual is now involved in their child's daily activities.
Then the child goes away to college, but that is not a good time either, because now the individual has to work overtime to pay for college.
Then the child graduates college and is married, but that is not a good time either, because the individual doesn't want to spend quality time away from the grandchildren.
Then the grandchildren start to grow up, and now the individual thinks that it is now too late, because after all their age has now caught up with them! Do you see how this can be a reality? Do you see how this downward dream spiral could really happen? Do you seem to always find a reason not to follow through on your goals? Or do you always seem to say "I will do it next week, next month or next year?" Isn't it amazing how what seemed to be a short amount of time has turned in to 5 years, 10 years or maybe even 20 years? That is why it is so important to grab hold to your dreams NOW and just go for them.
If you don't do it now, then more time is going to go by.
And that is not fair to you.
You deserve so much more.
If you have been a giver all of your life, then it is time for you to give back to yourself.
Celebrate you today by making a promise to yourself! Say "Now is the best time for me to work toward my goals and dreams! And I will not put my dreams and goals on hold any longer.
I deserve to live a fulfilled life.
And I am starting NOW!" You don't have to start worrying about how you are going to do this.
Or how you are going to do that.
Just take it day by day, set small goals and before you know it you will have reached the big goal.
If you don't do it now then when?

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