Family & Relationships Weddings

Birthday Gifts for 20-Year-Old Women


    • If the 20-year-old female on your birthday list is into staying physically fit, she might appreciate a membership to a local gym, a gift certificate for fitness equipment or apparel or sessions with a personal coach. Another thing to consider is if she enjoys playing any sports and purchase some lessons in that sport for her. For example, if she loves to play on a community baseball team, then buy her a few lessons with a retired professional baseball player or local coach to help her improve her game even more.

    Beauty Treatments

    • Women enjoy the gift of beauty at just about any age. Twenty-somethings may appreciate manicures, pedicures and other spa treatments. If you know the gift recipient well, then you may be able to easily find out what services she regularly enjoys at her local beauty shop and add a few extras such as a wax, massage or facial to her normal routine. If you don't know her well, consider purchasing a makeover at a local makeup store or counter along with the latest colors for the season.

    Blank Journal

    • Most greeting-card stores carry beautiful blank journals. Find a blank journal that you feel matches your 20-year-old's personal style. On the first page create an inscription letting her know that the journal is to record memories, dreams and thoughts as she embarks on this journey into her 20s and beyond. A journal will be a gift that she will remember for years to come as she reads back over special moments during college, early married life and even having children. If you want to spend a bit more, purchase a beautiful pen to go with the journal.


    • If the gift recipient has her own home, you might want to consider giving her a plant, such as a small tree. You can plant it for her if you'd like, but get her permission first and find out where she'd like the tree located. A tree is good for the environment and also a reminder as it grows of when it was first planted and the memories that were created in that home. If the woman is not yet in the home she is likely to remain in, you may want to instead create a donation to the Arbor Day foundation or other environmentally friendly foundation in her name.

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