Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Treatments For Chicken Pox

The disease Chicken Pox is caused by the varicella zoster virus, and is primarily manifested by the presence of fluid filled skin lesions called vesicles, along with a rash of blisters.
The virus is usually transmitted through the airborne route and replicates easily once it enters the body.
As a result of the conditions nature, treatments for Chicken Pox are relatively limited to palliative measures or those interventions aimed at relieving the symptoms of the person suffering from the disease.
One of the first symptoms for the varicella zoster virus would be a high fever or high body temperature, which can be remedied by using cold compresses on the body.
It's wise to increase intake of oral fluids and of course, antipyretic medications such as acetaminophen during the course of the disease.
Even though, the drug Aspirin has been very promising to control febrile conditions and reduce pain, it must be used with caution since this drug and viral infection can lead to life threatening complications such as Reye's syndrome.
Another set of treatments for Chicken Pox are towards providing relief for the itchiness that it brings.
The use of soothing moisturizers and calamine lotion after washing the wounds with lukewarm water is one of the most recommended treatments for varicella zoster virus.
Itching that is beyond tolerance and very much bothersome can be managed with antihistamines, such as the over the counter product, Benadryl.
There are some situations when supportive treatments for the disease are not enough, and the help of stronger type of medications are advised, such as the use of antiviral drugs.
The most commonly prescribed drug is acyclovir, or known for its trade name, Zovirax, which is intended to cut the duration of the infection much shorter.
There are some people requiring transfusion of antibodies and globulins to fight off the virus.
However, these types of treatments for Chicken Pox are reserved to those with severely compromised immune function or suffering other medical conditions that may be aggravated by the infection.
In terms of pharmacologic treatments for Chicken Pox, seeking the advice of any health care provider is highly advised in order to prevent further infection, especially since most of the people affected by the disease are children.
Furthermore, there are other treatments for Chicken Pox that must be stressed to both patients and caregivers, such as maintaining adequate hydration, having a well balanced diet filled with vitamins, refraining from scratching, cutting the fingernails, and regular washing of the skin lesions.

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