Fast Relief From Yeast Itching
Home remedies are the best option for fast relief from yeast itching.
Though OTC preparations can give fast relief, they often make the situation worse in the long run.
So, it is better to stick to the home remedies.
Yoghurt: Yoghurt used as a douche is probably the best know home treatment.
There are a few ways you can use yoghurt, but using it as a douche is best.
It is also possible to buy empty gelatin capsules, fill them with yoghurt and insert it in the vagina.
When using yoghurt as a douche it is important that you remember to wear a sanitary towel to prevent leakage.
Apple vinegar: Another way to obtain relief from yeast itching is by the use of apple vinegar.
It is important to stress that it must be apple vinegar as any other vinegar will make matters worse.
Use the apple vinegar in a low warm bath with about 2 cups of apple vinegar in it.
Taking the apple cider vinegar internally will also help.
Add about two tablespoons of apple vinegar to a glass of water twice a day.
I agree the taste is awful and if you wish you can also use apple cider vinegar tablets.
Garlic: The consumption of garlic can also be a great help.
It is important to eat the garlic fresh and as soon as it has been chopped or even better try swallowing the clove whole.
The reason for this is that the chemical in the garlic that combats the Candida loses its effectiveness very fast.
The consumption of garlic tablets will also provide relief.
It is important to remember that using garlic will take a little longer before you feel the results.
Other measures to prevent and relief the yeast itching:
For real permanent relief a holistic approach is needed that includes diet and other measures.
A good e-book such as Yeast Infection No More can really help.
Though OTC preparations can give fast relief, they often make the situation worse in the long run.
So, it is better to stick to the home remedies.
Yoghurt: Yoghurt used as a douche is probably the best know home treatment.
There are a few ways you can use yoghurt, but using it as a douche is best.
It is also possible to buy empty gelatin capsules, fill them with yoghurt and insert it in the vagina.
When using yoghurt as a douche it is important that you remember to wear a sanitary towel to prevent leakage.
Apple vinegar: Another way to obtain relief from yeast itching is by the use of apple vinegar.
It is important to stress that it must be apple vinegar as any other vinegar will make matters worse.
Use the apple vinegar in a low warm bath with about 2 cups of apple vinegar in it.
Taking the apple cider vinegar internally will also help.
Add about two tablespoons of apple vinegar to a glass of water twice a day.
I agree the taste is awful and if you wish you can also use apple cider vinegar tablets.
Garlic: The consumption of garlic can also be a great help.
It is important to eat the garlic fresh and as soon as it has been chopped or even better try swallowing the clove whole.
The reason for this is that the chemical in the garlic that combats the Candida loses its effectiveness very fast.
The consumption of garlic tablets will also provide relief.
It is important to remember that using garlic will take a little longer before you feel the results.
Other measures to prevent and relief the yeast itching:
- Always use white unscentedsoap
- Do not use any bubble bathsetc.
and do not soak in the bath for long periods.
Actually it is best totake only showers. - Wear only cotton underwear
- Do not wear any tightclothing
- Make very sure to dryyourself properly after you had a bath or shower
- Do not walk around in a wetswimsuit; change into dry clothes directly after you had a swim.
- Eat unflavored, unsweetenedyoghurt every day.
- During an infection stayaway from bread and all wheat products
- Do not eat any sugar orsugary foods
- During acute spells it isalso advisable to keep from eating fruit.
Even though fruit is veryhealthy, it contains a lot of sugar that is food for the fungus. - Eat lots of freshvegetables
- Drink lots of water, atleast eight glasses a day
- Refrain from using alcoholor any yeast based drinks
- If you are in arelationship, always treat your partner as well to prevent you fromre-infecting each other all the time
- Eat as little salt aspossible
- Stay away from sodas, evendiet sodas can make matters worse
For real permanent relief a holistic approach is needed that includes diet and other measures.
A good e-book such as Yeast Infection No More can really help.