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Online Marketing For Small Businesses - Principles We Learn From Football Can Help Us In Business

Right now I am in the car and we are driving to the Georgia versus Georgia Tech game in Athens.
We are 30 miles away and the traffic is already at a standstill.
These two teams are the biggest rivals in the entire southeast.
Tickets are incredible hard to get to this game.
As a small business owner how can you create excitement like this about your product or service? How can you build up your brand to be something that is bigger than yourself? Today having an online presence is not only a good idea, but it is a must.
If you are in business then you must be on the web.
The problem is that most businesses stop right there.
They have a design company put up a flashy site and they think they have done their job on the internet.
The only business that this technique helps is the guys who design websites.
If you want to truly have a presence on the web you need more than a site.
You need promotion, you need to be ranked highly on Google, you need social media.
Promotion: you need to learn to write press releases and do it frequently.
No one brags about your business as well as you should be able to.
Press releases are all about you bragging about your business.
There are several good sites on the web for distributing press releases.
Tell people about your new blog, your newest product, or a new sale you are running.
Write it out and submit it.
Google: you need your information ranked highly by Google.
If you cannot be found on the first page of Google when someone types in your topic then you are not in business on the web.
If you want to be ranked highly on Google you need to put keywords in everything that you do.
Every time you write an article, every time you tweet (on Twitter), every time you put out a press release, every time you publish a hub page or squidoo lense; you need to fill your text with keywords that are relevant to your topic.
If you want to learn which keywords are getting searched the most go to Google and type in "Google Keyword tool" this will bring you to the Google keyword tool, it will tell you what people are searching for on the web.
Social media: You can think that Facebook is just for your grandkids if you want.
There is a reason that Home Depot, Dominos Pizza, and every other Fortune 500 company has a major social media presence.
Social media is the newest form of marketing and it is literally taking over.
Right now Twitter has over 147 million users.
It is a high likelihood that a lot of your customers are there.
When you deal with a customer do you find out what their Facebook and Twitter accounts are so you can friend/follow them? If you don't you need to start today.
Social media becomes a great way to market yourself to your customers.
It is also a great way to expand your business as your current customers share their testimonials about your products to their friends.
If you want your business to survive and thrive in the next ten years you need promotion, you need to be ranked highly by Google and you absolutely need social media.
Without these things you will be left high and dry in the new economy.
Get ready for the new way of doing business, don't be left behind.
Implement these concepts today in your business.
Sit down with the key people in your business and put together a strategy for your internet marketing plan.

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