The Sumo Wrestler"s Fat Gaining Diet
If you want to pack on the fat then just follow the "Sumo Wrestler Fat Gaining Diet"! Let me explain.
I am being a little sarcastic in order to get my point across.
The way a Sumo wrestler gets so fat is - they purposely starve themselves all day long then eat whatever they want in the evening before going to bed.
Because they eat just before going to bed, all of that food turns into fat in their body.
While most people want to lose body fat, they want to gain body fat in order to try to have the advantage over the competition in their sport.
I don't know how many times I have heard someone say, "I just don't understand it; I'm only eating twice a day and I'm still gaining weight!" or "I skip breakfast and sometimes lunch and I just can't seem to lose weight!" Well, the reason you can't lose weight is because you are following what I call the Sumo Wrestler Fat Gaining Diet.
You see, with eating, it is not how seldom you eat that's important; it's when, how, and what you eat that's important.
I hope I can shed some light on the subject in this article that will help you.
The idea that skipping meals is the way to lose weight has been "shattered" over and over again.
The opposite is true.
To lose body fat, one must put food into his or her body on a regular basis throughout the day.
If you will eat the proper ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat and you will do this approximately every three hours (not counting sleep time) you will become a human "fat burning machine" so to speak.
If you sleep on all that undigested food in your system your body will shut down and store it as fat while you sleep.
It is a whole lot better to eat your larger meals in the morning hours because you will burn the calories all day long.
If you're not a breakfast person you should become one.
I am being a little sarcastic in order to get my point across.
The way a Sumo wrestler gets so fat is - they purposely starve themselves all day long then eat whatever they want in the evening before going to bed.
Because they eat just before going to bed, all of that food turns into fat in their body.
While most people want to lose body fat, they want to gain body fat in order to try to have the advantage over the competition in their sport.
I don't know how many times I have heard someone say, "I just don't understand it; I'm only eating twice a day and I'm still gaining weight!" or "I skip breakfast and sometimes lunch and I just can't seem to lose weight!" Well, the reason you can't lose weight is because you are following what I call the Sumo Wrestler Fat Gaining Diet.
You see, with eating, it is not how seldom you eat that's important; it's when, how, and what you eat that's important.
I hope I can shed some light on the subject in this article that will help you.
The idea that skipping meals is the way to lose weight has been "shattered" over and over again.
The opposite is true.
To lose body fat, one must put food into his or her body on a regular basis throughout the day.
If you will eat the proper ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat and you will do this approximately every three hours (not counting sleep time) you will become a human "fat burning machine" so to speak.
If you sleep on all that undigested food in your system your body will shut down and store it as fat while you sleep.
It is a whole lot better to eat your larger meals in the morning hours because you will burn the calories all day long.
If you're not a breakfast person you should become one.