How To Approach Women In The Gym
Approaching women at the gym is not very different to approaching them anywhere else. The key thing here is to have confidence, and oodles of it. When youre at a gym one of the things you need to be mindful of when speaking to women is that some of them are quite sensitive about their figure. This is most likely why theyve come to the gym to work out because like everyone else at the gym, theyre concerned about how they look and want to improve it. So steer clear of all comments regarding her weight or figure and you should be okay.
Before you decide to approach that woman you have seen working out in the gym and cant get your eyes off, you might want to improve your own physique if you feel you need to, and if youre already on the way to being Mr. Universe, you could impress your lady friend by showing her your muscles; subtly of course. Walking up to her and flexing them is not likely to impress any woman, Tarzan.
As you are in a gym, sweating slightly isnt such a bad thing. In fact some women may be turned on by the sweat glistening on a well toned body. On the other hand, if you are sweating profusely, I mean beads of sweat just oozing out of every pore, you might want to rub yourself down first. Also make sure you have applied some deodorant! This isnt rocket science. If youve been working out and havent applied deodorant, you are likely to smell and chicks dont dig smelly guys.
If you have a good physique and the looks to match, you could try to catch her attention by lifting weights. You could always watch her work out and glance in her direction once in awhile. Make sure you arent staring as this may be a turn-off. Your best time to talk to her would be after her work out.
Start the conversation off by telling her that you were impressed by her workout and then tell her your name. If she shows some interest, ask her for her name and offer her something to drink, so you can both take a break. Because youre both at the gym, that would be an ideal starting point for your conversation. Just make sure you look like youve actually worked out a bit so that you dont come off as someone who goes to gyms to pick up chicks.
Maintain eye contact and avoid staring at her body. You want to show her youre interested in her, but this doesnt prevent you from making positive comments about her figure in a nice way.
Approaching women [] at the gym is not only for guys with bulging biceps. If you dont have the best physique you could approach her and ask her for some ideas on how to work out. You might even get ask her to instruct you on some techniques.
So approaching women at the gym is not all that difficult with the right attitude and a good dose of self confidence.
Anything's Possible
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Before you decide to approach that woman you have seen working out in the gym and cant get your eyes off, you might want to improve your own physique if you feel you need to, and if youre already on the way to being Mr. Universe, you could impress your lady friend by showing her your muscles; subtly of course. Walking up to her and flexing them is not likely to impress any woman, Tarzan.
As you are in a gym, sweating slightly isnt such a bad thing. In fact some women may be turned on by the sweat glistening on a well toned body. On the other hand, if you are sweating profusely, I mean beads of sweat just oozing out of every pore, you might want to rub yourself down first. Also make sure you have applied some deodorant! This isnt rocket science. If youve been working out and havent applied deodorant, you are likely to smell and chicks dont dig smelly guys.
If you have a good physique and the looks to match, you could try to catch her attention by lifting weights. You could always watch her work out and glance in her direction once in awhile. Make sure you arent staring as this may be a turn-off. Your best time to talk to her would be after her work out.
Start the conversation off by telling her that you were impressed by her workout and then tell her your name. If she shows some interest, ask her for her name and offer her something to drink, so you can both take a break. Because youre both at the gym, that would be an ideal starting point for your conversation. Just make sure you look like youve actually worked out a bit so that you dont come off as someone who goes to gyms to pick up chicks.
Maintain eye contact and avoid staring at her body. You want to show her youre interested in her, but this doesnt prevent you from making positive comments about her figure in a nice way.
Approaching women [] at the gym is not only for guys with bulging biceps. If you dont have the best physique you could approach her and ask her for some ideas on how to work out. You might even get ask her to instruct you on some techniques.
So approaching women at the gym is not all that difficult with the right attitude and a good dose of self confidence.
Anything's Possible
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