With Cancer, do we have the power to choose between life and death?
Do we have the ability to active our self healing process if we are dealing with cancer? Do we have the power to choose between life and death? Can we reclaim the responsibility for our health we have so willingly handed over to doctors and our current mainstream medical system? The answer is yes, but we have to be prepared to make lifestyle changes and also changes with our beliefs and attitude towards life.
People die of cancer because of their beliefs or their obedience to authority and also because of our blind faith in our health care system. They know their cancer is real, not imaginary, they have seen it on x-rays or CT scans They have seen others die before them when been told, sorry there is nothing more we can do for you so naturally believe the same fate awaits them.
Our beliefs about cancer are actually the same as with the Australian tribes of Aborigines when someone points a bone at them. The bone is like a deadly germ. They believe it gets into their system and kills them even though they are in perfect health. It's their beliefs or their obedience to authority that kills them. If they do not change their beliefs they die, if they change they live.
For someone who's been given a terminal diagnosis there is no person, no pill or no treatment that can help them and the quicker they realize they have to help themselves and make important lifestyle changes the sooner they will overcome cancer. What doctors don't know because they are not taught is there are other ways to treat cancer and that is to activate the healing powers that we all have and allow the body to heal naturally. We do that by removing the reasons why cancer first grew and when you remove the cause of the problem the body through the immune system will heal.
In this modern world of ours we are so impressed by technology and methodology that we see illness only as a mechanical breakdown in our anatomy. We believe we can discover the malfunction and fix it with our drugs or surgical procedures. Unfortunately this way of treating cancer often doesn't work as we've spent billions of dollars in research trying to solve the problem and there's not a shred of evidence to say we are winning the war against the disease.
We need to wake up to the reality that each of us creates our own illnesses. We have caused it. With a disease like cancer, we are not dealing with a complex medical problem. All cancers are simply a disease of a weak immune system and the answers are to strengthen this system and allow the body to heal. It works with all cancers and it works for everyone because everyone has an immune system or a built-in repair system.
Doctors when asked what has caused the problem will answer they don't know but when you consider that cancer is only a problem in the developed world and seldom appears in undeveloped countries they are not really focused on the causes but only on their treatments. The causes of cancer are simply modern day living. It's our processed foods, or foods that's been interfered with by man, our lack of exercise because of motorcars and other labour saving devices we use and the many chemicals we surround ourselves with that's all been extracted from crude oil. Crude oil and cancer are closely related.
It is impossible for a healthy person to get cancer and the typical western diet is not known for its health giving qualities. To strength the immune system there are 7 laws we must abide by and they are fresh air, water to drink, some exercise, a little sunshine, adequate rest, the consumption of food that's been designed for humans and hopefully a happy heart, that is without too many stress related problems. Of course today we shut ourselves in houses with little fresh air circulating, we drink sugary drinks and cancer cells thrive on refined sugar and we don't get sun exposure because we are told it's dangerous. Most of us cringe at exercise and many of our foods are processed and are no longer fresh.
The bottom line is we need to take charge of our health as no one can do it for us, appropriate diet and lifestyle changes are your first line of defence. Our medical system can not match the astonishing healing powers of natural living. Unfortunately in today's world the almighty dollar reigns supreme and almost everything we do revolves around making money. That is especially true with all cancer treatments in place today.
Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on ways to overcome cancer. For further information on better ways to become cancer free using the powerful natural healing ability of the human body please visit; www.cancerhealed.com
People die of cancer because of their beliefs or their obedience to authority and also because of our blind faith in our health care system. They know their cancer is real, not imaginary, they have seen it on x-rays or CT scans They have seen others die before them when been told, sorry there is nothing more we can do for you so naturally believe the same fate awaits them.
Our beliefs about cancer are actually the same as with the Australian tribes of Aborigines when someone points a bone at them. The bone is like a deadly germ. They believe it gets into their system and kills them even though they are in perfect health. It's their beliefs or their obedience to authority that kills them. If they do not change their beliefs they die, if they change they live.
For someone who's been given a terminal diagnosis there is no person, no pill or no treatment that can help them and the quicker they realize they have to help themselves and make important lifestyle changes the sooner they will overcome cancer. What doctors don't know because they are not taught is there are other ways to treat cancer and that is to activate the healing powers that we all have and allow the body to heal naturally. We do that by removing the reasons why cancer first grew and when you remove the cause of the problem the body through the immune system will heal.
In this modern world of ours we are so impressed by technology and methodology that we see illness only as a mechanical breakdown in our anatomy. We believe we can discover the malfunction and fix it with our drugs or surgical procedures. Unfortunately this way of treating cancer often doesn't work as we've spent billions of dollars in research trying to solve the problem and there's not a shred of evidence to say we are winning the war against the disease.
We need to wake up to the reality that each of us creates our own illnesses. We have caused it. With a disease like cancer, we are not dealing with a complex medical problem. All cancers are simply a disease of a weak immune system and the answers are to strengthen this system and allow the body to heal. It works with all cancers and it works for everyone because everyone has an immune system or a built-in repair system.
Doctors when asked what has caused the problem will answer they don't know but when you consider that cancer is only a problem in the developed world and seldom appears in undeveloped countries they are not really focused on the causes but only on their treatments. The causes of cancer are simply modern day living. It's our processed foods, or foods that's been interfered with by man, our lack of exercise because of motorcars and other labour saving devices we use and the many chemicals we surround ourselves with that's all been extracted from crude oil. Crude oil and cancer are closely related.
It is impossible for a healthy person to get cancer and the typical western diet is not known for its health giving qualities. To strength the immune system there are 7 laws we must abide by and they are fresh air, water to drink, some exercise, a little sunshine, adequate rest, the consumption of food that's been designed for humans and hopefully a happy heart, that is without too many stress related problems. Of course today we shut ourselves in houses with little fresh air circulating, we drink sugary drinks and cancer cells thrive on refined sugar and we don't get sun exposure because we are told it's dangerous. Most of us cringe at exercise and many of our foods are processed and are no longer fresh.
The bottom line is we need to take charge of our health as no one can do it for us, appropriate diet and lifestyle changes are your first line of defence. Our medical system can not match the astonishing healing powers of natural living. Unfortunately in today's world the almighty dollar reigns supreme and almost everything we do revolves around making money. That is especially true with all cancer treatments in place today.
Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on ways to overcome cancer. For further information on better ways to become cancer free using the powerful natural healing ability of the human body please visit; www.cancerhealed.com