How to Talk to Your Doctor About Alternative Cancer Treatments
"You have cancer." Those words are the closest equivalent the English language has to a punch in the gut. Even though cancer is one of the most common killers of both American men and women no one thinks they are going to have cancer. That is something that happens to … other people. Not to me. Not to you. So when a doctor tells you that you have cancer it is natural to feel like the Earth is spinning beneath your feet. What you do in the days and weeks after a diagnosis will determine the course of your disease. The people who fight cancer and win are frequently the ones that take charge of their care. They are the ones that accept conventional forms of cancer treatment and also seek out alternative cancer treatments. They leave nothing on the table, they leave no stone un-turned in their quest to beat back cancer.
But how do you talk to your doctor about all of this? How do you talk to your doctor about alternative cancer treatments? In the Western world, doctors have a god-like quality. How do you talk to a person who knows a lot more than you do about your health?
Open Lines of Communication
The first thing you need when integrating convention and alternative cancer treatments is the ability to communicate openly with your doctor. The worst thing you can do for your health is to seek conventional cancer treatment and alternative cancer treatment, and then not communicate to your doctors about what you are doing.
Alternative cancer treatments can have a direct effect on conventional cancer treatments. Your oncologist and primary care physician need to know what alternative treatments you are using so they can adjust your conventional treatment plan according. Your naturopathic doctor needs to know about your conventional treatment so he can find the right alternative treatments for you.
Silence benefits no one when it comes to the fight against cancer.
Do Your Research and Ask Questions
Before beginning treatments make sure you do research into both the conventional treatment your doctor has outlined for you and the alternative cancer treatments you want to pursue. Your oncologist will probably give the highlights of your cancer treatment plan, but it will be up to you to do the research and educate yourself.
Once you have done your research, schedule a meeting with your physician. Make a list of questions and make sure you get clear answers to each question. You should apply this same process when seeking alternative treatments for cancer.
Taking the time to educate yourself enables you to be a better communicator with all of your doctors.
Bring Friends
A cancer diagnosis can make you feel like you are all alone in the world. The reality is that you have an entire support team of family, friends, and doctors cheering you on.
Make sure you take advantage of your support team when talking to your doctor. If you have a scheduled meeting with your physician to talk about the course of either your conventional or alternative treatment, bring a friend or family member along with you. Simply having a supportive person in the room can help you communicate with your physician and do you a world of good at the same time.
But how do you talk to your doctor about all of this? How do you talk to your doctor about alternative cancer treatments? In the Western world, doctors have a god-like quality. How do you talk to a person who knows a lot more than you do about your health?
Open Lines of Communication
The first thing you need when integrating convention and alternative cancer treatments is the ability to communicate openly with your doctor. The worst thing you can do for your health is to seek conventional cancer treatment and alternative cancer treatment, and then not communicate to your doctors about what you are doing.
Alternative cancer treatments can have a direct effect on conventional cancer treatments. Your oncologist and primary care physician need to know what alternative treatments you are using so they can adjust your conventional treatment plan according. Your naturopathic doctor needs to know about your conventional treatment so he can find the right alternative treatments for you.
Silence benefits no one when it comes to the fight against cancer.
Do Your Research and Ask Questions
Before beginning treatments make sure you do research into both the conventional treatment your doctor has outlined for you and the alternative cancer treatments you want to pursue. Your oncologist will probably give the highlights of your cancer treatment plan, but it will be up to you to do the research and educate yourself.
Once you have done your research, schedule a meeting with your physician. Make a list of questions and make sure you get clear answers to each question. You should apply this same process when seeking alternative treatments for cancer.
Taking the time to educate yourself enables you to be a better communicator with all of your doctors.
Bring Friends
A cancer diagnosis can make you feel like you are all alone in the world. The reality is that you have an entire support team of family, friends, and doctors cheering you on.
Make sure you take advantage of your support team when talking to your doctor. If you have a scheduled meeting with your physician to talk about the course of either your conventional or alternative treatment, bring a friend or family member along with you. Simply having a supportive person in the room can help you communicate with your physician and do you a world of good at the same time.