Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Mesothelioma Claims From 9-11

Thousands of people are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year.
If you have been diagnosed you should seek legal council immediately.
There was a new group of people who were exposed to asbestos that are at risk for contracting mesothelioma.
The notion that only working class people who worked in construction, railways and mining are in danger is a thing of the past.
People who live in one of the wealthiest cities in the world are at risk for contracting mesothelioma.
A very large cloud of asbestos covered an entire city where over 1.
5 million people reside.
The attacks on 9/11 caused the World Trade Center to come crashing down.
The left tower contained high quantities of asbestos.
There was a dust cloud that hovered over Manhattan for months while the clean up began.
Removing asbestos from a home requires the asbestos to be contained and the air to be filtered.
These precautions insure that there will not be an asbestos related injury.
The tragic event of 9/11 made it impossible to contain the asbestos dust particles.
There were thousands of volunteers that heroically volunteered their time to clean up ground zero.
Air quality in the area was horrible and asbestos levels were reported to be high from many independent air quality tests.
Volunteers, firefighters, police officers, city officials, schools, business and homes were exposed to high levels of airborne asbestos.
Over 1.
5 million people populate Manhattan and many of them inhaled asbestos particles.
People who helped clean up ground zero took precautions but it was impossible to follow asbestos removal protocol and hire certified asbestos removers in this tragic situation.
The EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, made it public that people who were working at ground zero should wear masks because there is airborne asbestos.
They gave instructions about using proper masks, disposing of clothing, and washing instructions after leaving the site.
This information was similar to the precaution taken by people who are certified to remove asbestos.
However, given the nature of the incident there could be no safe way to clean up the area and no certification was given to the asbestos removers.
It takes ten to fifty years for asbestos to cause asbestos lung mesothelioma.
As a result, we do not know what the long-term effects of this asbestos exposure will bring to those who were exposed.
Predictions have been made that there will be many people with a mesothelioma claim as a result of 9/11.

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