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Effective Classroom Management Strategies For Elementary School Students

Effective classroom management is essential to everyone in the classroom. Teachers are responsible for initiating these strategies along with other techniques from the first day of the school year until the last day. To find the best classroom management strategies for a specific class, the teacher should use and practice several routines. When the teacher has elementary students, they usually benefit very well from having a routine structure. In many cases, the students should have a balance between both consequences and a reward system. These types of classroom management strategies will help to encourage the proper behavior patterns amongst the students in the classroom.
Establishing Rules
Timing is a major factor in utilizing effective classroom management techniques. Teachers must establish and set the rules on the first day of the class and they must enforce the rules throughout the year. The rules that are set must be clear, concise and specific. No rule should be left open for interpretation. Elementary students are often clever and resourceful. Which means, they can find ways to go around the rules and take advantage of various situations.
Issuing Consequence Tickets and Classroom Management Strategies
One effective classroom management strategy involves issuing consequence tickets. These tickets are used to effectively encourage each student to maintain good behavior and manners while in the classroom and in other areas of the school. The teacher is responsible for providing the list of consequences. Once the list has been given to the students, the teacher will issue tickets to students who break the rules or cause unnecessary disruptions. When a student is issued their first ticket it serves as a warning. If the student continues causing problems, the student will receive two tickets. Which means, the student will have to face the consequences of their actions. For instance, the child will not be allowed to go to recess. Instead, the student will have to stay in the room with others that misbehaved or they may need a one-on-one conference with their teacher. When the bad behavior continues, the student will receive three tickets. The third ticket means the teacher will have to call the student's parents. Upon receipt of the fourth ticket, the student will be sent to the principal's office. For those students who make it to the end of the week ticket free, the teacher can give them a reward.
Reward Systems and Classroom Management Techniques
While some students may take full advantage of receiving their share of tickets, others students will avoid these tickets like the plague. These are the students who are normally well behaved and they like the reward system incentives instead of the discipline that associated with receiving tickets. When the child is young, they like to receive these little colorful stickers. Gold and silver stars are sometimes considered the best. Even though there is no monetary value attached to them in the classroom, the parents may choose to reward them with a little sum of money or a special treat when they get home.

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