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Misting Pros

    Heat Reduction

    • The biggest and most obvious pro of misting is the almost immediate air temperature drop that occurs. Adding moisture to the air can reduce the air temperature by up to 35 degrees F. Have you ever visited a waterfall, or walked past a yard with the sprinklers on during the day? The ambient air temperature in these situations is dramatically cooler than the regular air temperature. A misting system mimics these effects by adding very small water droplets to the air. These water droplets absorb the heat from the air around them and dissipate it.

    Flying Insect Deterrent

    • Another not so obvious misting pro is that the mist keeps flying insects away from the area. A misting system is effective against mosquitoes, flies, wasps, hornets and even spiders. The mist will cling to these insects and weigh them down so they will be unable to fly. Eventually, they will just stay away. Mist also cleans the surrounding air of pollen, smoke, dust, dust mites and other common pollutants.

    Other Beneficiaries

    • Pets will also enjoy the benefits of a misting system as they, too, get hot. Encourage pets to spend time with you while in the misting area and observe the difference it will make for them.

    Humid Days

    • Misting systems add water, or humidity, to the air. Also, a misting system works best at humidity levels below 40 percent. But that does not mean that a misting system would be a complete waste of time and money if you live in a humid area. All you have to do is get the air moving where you would like the misting system to be effective. Bring two or three household fans outside with you to create air flow, and the misting system will work its wonders for you.

    Hose End Misting Systems

    • You do not have to buy a whole misting system if you would like to treat a small area at a time. A small, personal misting system is available at big box retailers and is great to use for spending some alone time by the pool or on the deck or patio. It connects directly to a garden hose and works in the same manner as a whole misting system.

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