Business & Finance Social Media

Getting to Know the Facebook Wall

The online social networking site game is one that a lot of people have a fun time playing.
There are many great sites that are excellent ways to connect with new friends, old friends and business colleagues.
One of the most, if not the most, popular social networking sites is Facebook.
During the short history of Facebook it has gained enormous popularity and allows people to connect in ways that no one ever thought would have been possible.
Here is a look at the Facebook Wall feature and how you can use it.
The whole idea of Facebook is to be able to connect with other people that are called your Facebook friends.
The list of people that you are friends with on Facebook can be small and very intimate or very large and full of people that are mostly acquaintances.
The Wall is a great way to keep track of your own interactions with other people and also to see what your Facebook friends are doing too.
The Wall is something that is available to every Facebook user and is an important tool in using the site.
The Wall basically makes up a history of interactions of a specific person on Facebook and gives a chronological view of what they are doing on the site.
Status updates are a very important part of Facebook as well and the Wall shows these status updates, where people post comments about things they are doing to their own Wall.
The Wall is essentially where everyone posts their day to day interactions on Facebook which makes it much easier to keep track of what is going on at all times.
The main page or home page on Facebook is called the News Feed and is basically a combination of all the Wall posts of everyone you know on Facebook.
The best way to access your own Wall directly is by clicking on your name of profile picture in the upper left hand corner of the main page.
This will pull up your own Wall on Facebook which will give you a history of all your interactions on the site.
It will show things like comments you have made about other people's posts and your own posts as well.
It displays all the information from your account history in chronological order.
At the top of the page, you will find a box that has the text 'What is on your mind?' in it.
This is the place that allows you to update your status and make posts to your Wall.
The comments here will show up on the News Feed pages of all your friends who can then make comments or additions to the thread and interaction can start.
This box allows you to do a lot of different things with a post such as attach photos, a video, an event, a link and other items.
The ability to add these other types of media is a fairly recent development for Facebook and the Wall now offers a great way to add new content without needing to go to specific parts of the website.
Under the update box, you will then see the history of all the things you have added to Facebook or that other people have added about you.
It will show you recent things that have happened on the site and also shows notes about friends you have added, comments you have made and things you have 'liked'.
The Wall is a great tool because you can look at your own Wall in addition to the Wall of all your friends on the site.
It can be a great way to catch up with friends and to learn what they are doing in their lives.

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