Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

How to Get Lisa Past Donkey Kong in "The Simpsons" for Nintendo DS

    • 1). Complete the first five levels of the game and make your way through the first half of "Enter the Cheatrix" until you get to the crushers. Wait till they're fully open then run through quickly. Walk up to the floating Buddha statue beyond the crushers and activate the "Hand of Buddha."

    • 2). Remove both pins on the lower left of the structure where the Stubborn Ape is standing. Climb the ladder and go to the right. Activate the "Hand of Buddha" located here and remove the three pins that are within range.

    • 3). Remove the pin directly beneath you. Kill any enemies and go up. Use a double jump to move to the left platform.

    • 4). Time your jump so you leap from the edge of the right platform and hit the second part of your double jump a split second after you start to descend from your first jump. Activate the "Hand of Buddha" and remove the two pins in the area. Remove the final pin on the right to defeat the Stubborn Ape.

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