Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Wart And Mole Removal Las Vegas - Skin Spa

The removal of warts, moles, and skin tags in Las Vegas is becoming more common. With the use of radio frequency machines, it is easier to remove them than ever, especially in places such as Las Vegas, NV. We use a radio frequency machine to remove warts, moles, and solar keratoses (which are sun spots and age spots) and also for the removal of legions. However, if it's pre-cancerous, we refer them to a dermatologist for removal and biopsy. It's the easiest procedure available, and is practically pain-free.

I suggest that if you have moles, warts, skin tags, sun spots or age spots (solar keratoses) that you want removed you should go to a medical spa that has the ability to remove it by radio frequency. It is a very easy procedure - after a little lidocaine (which is a local anesthesia) the warts and moles are removed from the Las Vegas patient and gone within seconds.

Laser skin resurfacing in Las Vegas is a procedure which is performed by doctors at medical spas. It will remove the upper layer of the skin, and the inner layer of the skin. Laser skin resurfacing is a little more drastic of a procedure compared to the medical microdermabrasion, and the laser acne. It helps with blemishes, acne scars, acne, and dis-pigmintation on the face. It has a down time of about 2 or 3 days, wherein you'll feel a mild sunburn-like feeling and you'll just have to put a little bit of the ointment, that the medical spa can give you, everyday to help alleviate the sunburn-like feeling. During the procedure, it doesn't hurt very much - it's just like a rubber snap kind of feeling.

If a person has a lot of blemishes, dis-pigmintation, scaring, I do suggest that laser resurfacing is the best procedure for their condition. Laser skin resurfacing is better because it acts much faster and you see the results much sooner as compared to the medical microdermabrasion or laser acne treatment in Las Vegas alone.

One tip I give anyone interested in finding a Las Vegas medical spa is to make sure there is a qualified, board certified, medical practitioner (like doctors) that do the procedures themselves, and evaluate you properly. A lot of medical spas in Las Vegas have lower prices, however, it's not even a doctor doing the procedures - so when there are complications, they may not even know what to do. So it is very important to make sure that there is a qualified medical doctor on site, in case something happens. Find out the qualifications and skills of the doctor instead of basing your decision primarily on the price.

I find that the most common mistake is to only look at the prices and choose the cheapest. Many of the times they'll end up with someone doing the procedure who isn't a doctor, and then ending up with complications. Many of them end up at my clinic, and I correct those complications - something we really don't want to have. So when you're looking for a medical spa - please make sure that there's a medical doctor on site that will help you and explain everything to you. That way, if there are any complications, the doctor will be available to you right away at the Las Vegas medical spa.

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