How to Do an Annotated Bibliography in APA Style
- 1). Include the list of sources at the end of the paper with continuing page numbers at the top.
- 2). Double-space the lines of an entry and between each entry.
- 3). Begin the first line of each entry flush left. Indent each following line of the entry three spaces.
- 4). List the entries in alphabetical order by author's name. Invert the names, and only use initials for first and middle names. Use an ampersand if there is more than one author, with the authors' names in alphabetical order.
- 5). Arrange works by the same author in order of publication date.
- 6). Place the date of publication in parentheses after each author's name. Place a period after the parentheses.
- 7). Place the article title after the year of publication. Only capitalize the first word of book titles, subtitles and proper names. Italicize book titles.
- 8). Do not put the title of an article in quotation marks. Only capitalize the first word of articles, subtitles and proper names. Place a period after the title.
- 9). Spell out names of journals and italicize the journal name.
- 10
Give the volume number of periodicals in Arabic numerals and underline it. Do not use the term "Vol." before numbers. - 11
Use p. or pp. for page numbers in newspapers and magazines. Do not use this in journal entries. - 12
Follow the citation with a brief description and paragraph of at least 150 words to give the reader the relevance, quality of sources and accuracy of the citation.