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How to stay Sober 5 years without AA

As I secretly celebrate my 5th year of sobriety I feel the need to express how I have managed to do so on my own, my thoughts, and my feelings and how I have been sober without AA. This is not slamming or slandering AA I have used some of their beliefs and know if you work it works. However individuals are unique and there is no universal cure for Alcoholics, no pill, and sometimes no amount of jail time that will stop someone from drinking. With that said what I have used and applied is... " I just don't want to drink anymore"
If you have a problem or have had one there are needs "I need a drink" and wants "I want to go out have a good time"... My last story of drinking ends with me having a lot of time to myself and reflecting...
Who were friends and who were "Drinking Buddies"
Who was I...Was I liked because " I drank and I encouraged fun times "
What was I accomplishing?
Where my life was was at the moment
Where was my life would be if I did not drink
When was this going to stop...there was no end in sight
Why I did drink...Why Should I quit
That I could continue down the path I traveled where would I end up...what would be the end result
I was emotionally shot and financially living paycheck to paycheck
How drinking has affected generations upon generations of my family
My one or two glasses of Wine at night before bed were slowing increasing with my tolerance
My drinking episodes ended with 3 dollars in my pocket every morning (a mixed drink 5.00-8.00 a beer 4.00)
I had a lot going on in my life and I had lost control of everything... I worked in the financial market and at nightclubs
Money and access to people living the same type of lifestyle was always easy to find. But it came to an abrupt halt.
With time on my hand I began reflecting...on the questions above. And 6 months later when finally faced with the option and ability to begin drinking I had a decision to make...and a quick one...and I refused to drink.
Instead of the nightly drink before bed I began meditation, I read the book "No Matter where you go there you are "
I explored natural healing and essential oils...Lavender, Yling Ylang, Tea Tree, Clary Sage, All have chemicals that are very relaxing. I began to educate myself and I thought about AA...

By: Francis David

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