Gifts for an 80-Year-Old Woman
- Gift certificates to exercise classes help keep a woman in her 80s youthful.Huntstock/Creatas/Getty Images
If 40 is the new 30, is 80 also the new 70? With everyone seemingly getting younger with age, finding the perfect gift for a woman in her 80s can present a challenge. The activity level of someone who is 80 years old varies, according to her health. As with any gift-giving, it's important to pay attention to what appeals to this special person. Does she have pets? Is she reserved or outgoing? Has she expressed any unmet needs you could parlay into a gift? - If your 80-year-old friend or loved one is still as vibrant as ever, consider a gift that gets her out of the house. Gift certificates to water aerobics classes are a great idea for the fitness enthusiast. For the adventure seeker, a getaway vacation to somewhere she loves or has always wanted to go is appreciated.
- After 80 years on this Earth, you gather a lot of memories. Nowadays, there are multiple ways you can give the gift of memories. Print pictures either by theme or across the course of her life, and present them in a digital frame. Another option is scrap-booking these photos to show off your creativity and make the presentation more special.
- Not everyone is very mobile at 80 years old. If your gift is for someone in this position, anything that makes her home more comfortable is a good option. Consider buying her a nice recliner or new organizer she can keep by her current chair. Any item that helps someone with physical limitations, such as a grabber tool for picking up items off the floor, makes a practical gift.
- For the 80-year-old who is current on technology, give her some new music for her iPod, if she has one. If she doesn't, consider buying her the iPod as well. Get her a gift certificate or go to her house to help her download some tunes.
- WebMD states that finding meaningful activities and hobbies are important for staying young. Card games and similar social events can be a critical part of life for a woman in her 80s. Gift sets that include playing cards or poker chips will be appreciated by a woman who loves to play games. Also consider buying personal items like perfume for women who love to be out and about.