Home & Garden Architecture

How to Clean Concrete Dust Off of Concrete Walls

    • 1). Put on the long-sleeve shirt, alkali resistant gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

    • 2). Attach a spray nozzle to a garden hose. Spray the concrete wall with water. Start at the top of the wall and work down to the bottom.

    • 3). Scrub the wall with a soft nylon brush to remove stubborn particles. If some white residue won't loosen from the concrete, fill a plastic bucket with 3 gallons of warm water. Add 1/2 cup of liquid laundry soap to the water to create a mild solution. Thoroughly mix the solution.

    • 4). Dampen the nylon brush in the soapy solution. Vigorously scrub the concrete wall with the solution until the dust is completely removed.

    • 5). Thoroughly rinse the wall with water. Make sure all soap and dust particles are completely removed. Allow the wall to air dry.

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