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How to Eliminate Dark Spots on the Skin

    • 1). Rub lemon juice over the dark spots on your skin twice daily, allowing the juice to completely dry before rinsing the skin with clean water. This method may result in irritation for individuals with sensitive skin.

    • 2). Cut a potato in half and rub the inside of the potato against the dark spot. The acid inside the potato's juice may provide lightening results. Allow the juice to dry completely before rinsing your skin with clean water and repeat again before bedtime.

    • 3). Make a homemade lightening mask by boiling 1/2 cup of oat flakes in 1/4 cup of water. As the oat flakes start to soften, stir in 1 tbsp. of honey and mix thoroughly. Apply the soft mixture to dark spots and allow it to dry on skin before rinsing clean.

    • 4). Purchase an over-the-counter cream containing hydroquinine and apply the cream daily. Hydroquinine creams help even out skin pigmentation, and will greatly reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin.

    • 5). Try a prescription tretinoin cream. You will need to obtain a prescription for tretinoin from your doctor, and since most dark spots should be investigated to determine whether they are harmful or not, it's a good idea to see your doctor anyway.

    • 6). Discuss same day procedures like acid skin peels and laser treatment with your doctor to determine if they are right for your condition. If you have only one or two dark spots, this type of treatment is usually not necessary and could become costly. These types of procedures are also somewhat painful and could result in skin discoloration or scarring that is just as bad as the dark spots.

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