Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Have a Heart for Your Heart

The very word Cardiac followed by Arrest say it all - it means a life is gone, snuffed out forever.
Maybe before its time.
Over the years intense research in heart health has found that younger and younger people are beginning to suffer from heart problems.
It is a huge concern in a growing economy like ours, where stress levels are going only one way - up and through the roof.
Look around you, what do you see? People working long hours, sitting at their desks, sitting in cars, or just sitting...
Hardly any physical activity, even less diet control.
Pizzas, burgers, chips...
the temptations are right there, waiting to be grabbed, all brightly packaged and attractive.
Then, the kids (and adults) like to sit in front of the TV mindlessly watching moving figures and flashing colours.
Exercise is absent and away.
The human psyche is geared towards thinking that relaxation means flopping around.
Exercise will make a human 'tired'.
It will not.
The high risk factors are: oSmoking - a killer, it causes several life threatening diseases including cancer and coronary diseases.
oHigh Blood Pressure.
If your BP is maintained at 120/80 mms, no matter what your age, you are safe.
Every 20 mm either way is cause for concern as it doubles the risk of a heart disease.
Unfortunately India is often called the World Capital of Diabetes, thanks to our sweet teeth.
Automatically, we are exposed to the heart attack risk, along with several other disabling or death inviting diseases.
The best bet for diabetics is constant monitoring and control.
1% increase of it in our blood increases our risk to 2%.
All cholesterol - the good, the bad and the ugly have to be controlled and kept at levels below 150 mg.
The new killer is largely responsible for a lot of life threatening diseases, and the coronary factor is a major part of it.
Fat babies look cute and cuddly.
But they also carry a high risk of a heart problem later on in life.
An active, lean baby, on the other hand has less of a risk.
Now for some good stuff.
Starting young is the secret.
While diet control does play an important role in heart health, exercise tops the list of preventive measures.
In today's world you must make that time for yourself and actually work out.
Trips from your desk to the coffee machine or the copier don't count.
Cardio exercises like walking, cycling, cross training and stretching for an hour every day make a huge difference.
Four hours of vigorous exercise every week will certainly help keep that heart healthy.
In India, heart diseases rate number three in the killer disease list.
Australia, though is a world leader in coronary deaths.
Almost 40% of the lives snuffed out were due to heart related diseases.
You've got to move to keep it.
Your heart needs to pump, constantly to stay healthy.
Keep you healthy.
No matter what your age may be, you are never too young to do it.
Begin by setting yourself reachable targets.
Take one day at a time and work your body up to an increased stamina.
Suppose you are capable of briskly walking three times around your chosen path.
Do it for a few week, then increase the distance by another round.
See how you feel.
Keep adding a little more to your distance till you are comfortable with an hour of brisk walking at a reasonable speed.
Work up a sweat, the fruit is sweet.
Who knows, you might be the next marathon winner! Exercise leaves you feeling so good that your body sends you signals the moment it becomes time for your tryst with the track.
Don't forget, stretches are a very important aspect of any exercise, even if it is walking.
You simply must warm up before you start and cool down once you are done.

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