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Home Remedies For Pregnancy Heartburn - Simple Methods to Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy!

If you are reading this article then you are probably pregnant and suffering from heartburn.
The first thing you should know is that the heartburn is the most harmless pregnancy symptom although it can and will make these 9 months much harder for you.
But there is nothing to worry about because I am going to give you here 3 home remedies for pregnancy heartburn that will make you feel better without even thinking about taking some medications! Ok, let's start...
Since the heartburn is caused mostly by the digestion problems women suffer from during the pregnancy, changing your eating habits will be the first thing you want to do.
When there is a pressure on the stomach, the acids are refluxed back up into the gullet and that's where the burning feeling starts! So what you want is to put as less pressure on the stomach as possible.
Stop eating big meals and divide it into small meals every couple of hours.
Don't drink with a meal because it also adds to the pressure on the diaphragm.
Basically you have to avoid being overfull by food! Don't eat few hours before going to sleep because you probably won't get any sleep.
Let your stomach digest all the food and even if you'll go to bed a little hungry it's ok.
Well, eating something little it's OK to avoid the morning sickness but don't stuff your stomach! Although you shouldn't drink with a meal, you have to drink water during the day and a lot of it - at least 1.
5 litters a day.
Water helps to get all the stomach juices from the gullet, where it causes the heartburn, back to the stomach! By not drinking enough you actually leaving all the stomach acids at the gullet and the pain doesn't stop! Well, by making your stomach work less hard during the day and during the night you'll prevent the stomach acids from being refluxed up and cause you heartburn! Good luck and I hope I helped you!

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